Turkish RC - KIZILAYKART Cash Based Intervention Programmes February 2018
PARTNERSHIPS: Govenment of Turkey - EU ECHO - UN Agencies - Turkish RC Turkish Red Crescent - KIZILAYKART Cash Programmes Basic Needs Education DIGNITY CHOICE CE & Accountability Coordination 3 points PARTNERSHIPS: Govenment of Turkey - EU ECHO - UN Agencies - Turkish RC
Accountability to Affected Population INFORMATION 2,1 MILLION printed material 1, 250 engagement sessions with local organizations and authorities CONSULTATION: Group discussions and social media engagement COMPLAINTS & FEEDBACK: Call Center 581,476 calls and digital engagement EMPOWERMENT: Choice Inclusion
Call Center
Turkish RC - Coordination Best Practices NS plays leading and central role for cash coordination on a national scale (Governmental & Non governmental) Co-leading the Emergency Social Safety Net ESSN Task Force under the Basic Needs sector Overcoming barriers to ESSN access Two way feed-in mechanism for programmatic changes Challenges Consuming time and Human resources The unwillingness of some organization to share information Mobility of communities and Informal housing. Some times the impact is not clear . Print
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