Chapter 16 Mexican - American War
Section 1. The Young State The New State Government: Based on state constitution like Louisiana Governor – 2 year term- J. Pinckney Henderson Legislature- makes the laws. House – 2 yr term Senate – 4 yr term – Sam Houston &Rusk Supreme Court – appointed then elected Protected slavery
II. Political Parties A. Democratic – supported annexation, represented farmers, strong in south B. Whig – few Texas supporters, business and commercial C. Republican – opposed to extension of slavery, no support in TX before Civil War D. American or Know Nothing – Against immigrants – influenced democrats who copied their way to nominate candidates by convention.
III. African Americans: not eligible to vote – filed petitions to Congress to remain free and to protect their freedoms
Section 2. Causes of the Mexican-AmericanWar a Section 2.Causes of the Mexican-AmericanWar a. Mexico never recognized the Republic of Texas and considered annexation of Texas by U.S. an insult b. Mexico did not recognize the Rio Grande as the boundary. They wanted the Nueces River as the boundary. c. American traders set new trade entry points along the Rio Grande’s east banks at Santa Fe and Brazos Santiago
d. President Polk wanted a port on the Pacific Coast for trade with Asia either by negotiation or war with Mexico e. Damages to property of Americans in Texas during the Texas Revolution (caused by Santa Anna)
Disputed Territory
f. U.S. offers to pay all debt owed to its citizens and give $30 million to Mexico if would cede (give up) California and the Western half on NM and accept the Rio Grande as TX boundary. Mexico refused.
X. Declaration of War a. Mexican and American battle at Palo Alto – War begins. Congress declares war May 13, 1846. b. 5000 Texans including Burleson, Albert Sydney Johnston, Lamar and Henderson fight in the war. Texas Rangers served as scouts for the U.S.
a. U.S. tries to negotiate with Mexico and offers $30 million if Mexico would cede (give up) California and the Western half of New Mexico to the U.S. Also, to recognize the Rio Grande as the Mexico/Texas boundary. Mexico refused. b. President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to move troops across the Nueces River to the Rio Grande. RESULT: Fighting between US/Mexico – BLOOD is shed!
President Polk claims that American blood is shed on American soil. War is declared.
XI. United States Victory a. U. S XI. United States Victory a. U.S. had better equipment and were better led. B. Taylor’s army captured Monterrey, and defeated a large Mexican force under Santa Anna at Buena Vista. C. General winfield Scott captured Mexico City in September 1847. Mexico surrenders. MEXICO
V. Terms of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo a. Mexico 1 V. Terms of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo a. Mexico 1. Give up all claims to Texas and agree to Rio Grande as border. 2. Surrender land between Texas and Pacific Ocean to the U.S. – called the Mexican Cession – (including Ca, NV, UT, parts of Az, Co, WY and NM) b. USA paid Mexico $15 mil (paid all claims of U.S. against Mexico). Mexicans living in the area were guaranteed rights of U.S. citizenship.
Mexican Cession Nevada Utah Colorado California Arizona New Mexico
VI. Compromise of 1850 A. People in Santa Fe did not want to part of Texas due to slavery. B. Solution = Pearce Act led by Henry Clay. It was part of the Compromise of 1850, where U.S. paid Texas $10 million for land which became New Mexico. Texas paid off its debt (money it borrowed from the U.S. for the Texas Revolution).
Compromise of 1850 $10 million Texas uses $ to pay all debt.