Technical Elections: Why & How Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo) & Jeremy Stanley (fungi)
PTL Elections Nomination Period Email Deadline Voting Period
TC Elections Nomination Period Campaigning Period Email Deadline Voting Period
Electorate Generation Must be committer in last two releases Have a current profile as an Individual Foundation Member Email address in common between gerrit and member profile Gerrit “preferred” email address is where the ballot is sent Deadline to update gerrit email and profile is published as part of the election schedule
Submitting Your Candidacy
Candidacy File name must be your email address Must be Individual Foundation Member For PTLs, must also be the gerrit “owner” of a commit merged to that project during one of the prior two release cycles
Fundamentals of Ranked Voting
How it works Condorcet Internet Voting Service Select candidates in a ranked order Don’t need to rank every candidate, but it’s more effective if you do Can rank 1 for 1st and everyone else for n, where n is the number of candidates, but the strength of ranked voting is in being able to identify the most consensual candidate(s) Pay attention to instructions on the ballot: the “lowest” rank numbers identify the most preferred candidates and “highest” rank numbers identify least preference (it’s not like proportional voting where you’re assigning slices of your vote)
Why Voting is Important You have a direct influence on results Elected leaders should represent your interests I V TED!