Top 3 Tips to Win-Over a Recruiter
Introduction Here’s 3 tips to help you work with recruiters, either internal or external, as you compete for that next great job
Recruiters Your gateway to the job Recruiters are people too Treat them like your best friend – they can change your life
Tip #1 – Do Your Research Research the company – facts, press releases, products, website – first question is often “Tell me what you know about the company” Research the interviewer – their LinkedIn page – education, hobbies, charities, so you can build rapport, be interested in them, but don’t too interested so they feel uncomfortable
Tip #2 – Project Energy!!! Recruiters seldom recommend a low energy candidate Your enthusiasm will be contagious Smile, be positive As Dale Carnegie said, “act enthusiastic to be enthusiastic”
Tip #3 – Dress Appropriately Recruiters, like most people, make judgements based on what they see No rumpled clothes, scuffed shoes, dirty glasses Dress as if you had the job already, particularly for office jobs For production jobs, always project a clean image, even if you’re wearing jeans and work boots
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