King or Queen has complete control over government & its people The Age of Absolutism 16th & 17th Centuries System of government King or Queen has complete control over government & its people Autocracy Centralized Government Nation states
Monarchs based their claim on Divine Right Authority comes from God Absolutism Monarchs based their claim on Divine Right Authority comes from God Above the law Common features- Strong military, limited representative bodies, high taxes Breakdown of Feudalism/ Rise of Nation states Continuous Warfare Need for money Exploration Declining influence of the church
Regulation of Religion & society Effects of Absolutism Regulation of Religion & society Loss of power by nobility & legislatures Huge building projects
Golden age of Spain” Wealth from colonies helped buildup military Defender of Catholicism
Spanish Armada Defeated 1588 Spanish Armada Defeated "Protestant Wind"
Henry IV increases power of Govt. & decreases power of nobility France The Bourbon Monarchy Henry IV increases power of Govt. & decreases power of nobility Louis XIII strengthens & builds up military Cardinal Richelieu subdues nobles & Huguenots
"The Ultimate Absolutist" Louis XIV "The Ultimate Absolutist" “The Sun King” Ruled for 72 years Mercantilist policies Built the strongest army in Europe Persecuted French Protestants
Review State which country each explorer helped/sailed for (Options are: England, Spain, Portugal) Francisco Coronado Vasco da Gama Bartolomeo Dias Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Francisco Pizzaro Ponce de Leon
Answers Francisco Coronado- Spain Vasco da Gama- Portugal Bartolomeo Dias- Portugal Christopher Columbus-Spain Ferdinand Magellan- Portugal Francisco Pizzaro- Spain Ponce de Leon-Spain
Warm Up Define the following Import Export Tariff Passive Resistance Mercantilism
Russia in the 1600s Russia was mostly medieval, untouched by the Renaissance and Reformation “Time of Troubles” -disorder and foreign invasions It wasn’t until Peter the Great came to power that Russia got back to becoming a modern power No czar and wars broke out between the boyars. Sensing weakness and the chance to take land – Poland and Lithuania invaded.Russia was in chaos
Toured Europe learning new technologies Peter The Great 1682-1725 Grand Embassy tour Toured Europe learning new technologies Westernization/Modernization Introduced western ideas Laws, technology, culture To impose his will, Peter I became the most autocratic of Europe’s absolute monarchs, meaning that he ruled with unlimited authority
Built largest army in Europe Won territory along the Baltic Sea St. Petersburg becomes “Window to the West” Major trading port & new capital Centralized power Reduced power of the nobility Brought Orthodox Church under his control
Modernizing Russia Peter I pushed through social and economic reforms Imported Western technology Improved education Developed mining and textile manufacturing Backed new trading companies To pay for these reforms, Peter I adopted mercantilist policies. Peter I had no mercy for any who resisted the new order
Ivan III & Ivan IV used harsh methods to unify Russia 1613 Michael Romanov begins Romanov Dynasty 4th-the terrible
Ivan III (Great) & Ivan IV (Terrible) Ivan the Great More than tripled the territory of Russia Ivan the Terrible Transformed Russia into an empire and a broader, long-term economy Intelligent, but known for fits of rage; killed his own son in an outburst Ivan's notorious outbursts and autocratic whims helped characterise the position of Tsar as one accountable to no earthly authority, only to God
Review Identify the country of each leader (Options are: Spain, England, France, Russia) Charles I Elizabeth I Ivan the Terrible Philip II Louis XIV Peter the Great Charles – English Civil War Elizabeth- Rival of Spain and Philip II Ivan the terrible- killed own son Philip II-spanish armada Louis XIV- Sun King Peter the Great- Modernized Russia
Answers Charles I – England Elizabeth I – England Ivan the Terrible – Russia Philip II – Spain Louis XIV – France Peter the Great - Russia
Early Checks on English Monarchs 1215 King John forced to sign Magna Carta Limited King’s powers 1295 Edward I establishes Model Parliament Lawmaking body House of Lords & House of Commons
Parliament keeps the Monarchy in Check Parliament successfully blocked attempted shifts to absolute rule Tudor Monarchs (1485-1603) generally worked well w/ Parliament Ex. Henry VIII & Elizabeth I Henry VII 1485-1509 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Edward VI 1547-1553
Had absolutist tendencies (Strong belief in Divine Right) Stuart Monarchs Had absolutist tendencies (Strong belief in Divine Right) James I & son Charles I Consistently clashed with Parliament over finance & foreign policy Angered Puritans Mary I 1553-1558 Elizabeth I 1558-1603 James I
Puritan Revolution (1642-1651) English Civil War Puritan Revolution (1642-1651) Charles’s Cavaliers vs. Roundheads led by Oliver Cromwell Charles I is overthrown by forces loyal to Parliament beheaded in 1649 Some Puritans wore their hair closely cropped round the head or flat and there was thus an obvious contrast between them and the men of courtly fashion, who wore long ringlets
Cromwell & the Commonwealth England became a Republic called the Commonwealth At first Cromwell & Parliament share power 1653-Cromwell assumes Title of Lord Protector & rules as a dictator Cromwell brutally put down revolts in Ireland & Scotland Genocide)
Restoration & The Glorious Revolution Upon Cromwell’s death, Parliament restores Stuart Monarchy to throne Charles II & James II became unpopular due to absolutist policies Parliament fears return of Catholicism (James II) Parliament overthrows James II & asks William & Mary to assume throne (Glorious Revolution) King William III and Queen Mary II
1688-William & Mary forced to sign English Bill of Rights is signed Guarantees Parliament’s superiority over the Monarchy England becomes a Limited Monarchy (Remains today) While many consider the England form of government a democracy, which it is in practice, the Queen of England has many titular roles and is officially the head of state, although in practice, she has little political power or influence. The true influence and power in the England form of government comes from the prime minister and the Parliament.
Make a key denoting route of each explorer listed (include what country they represented) Label each continent, ocean. Explorers: Christopher Columbus Henry Cabot Jacques Cartier Hernan Cortez Ferdinand Magellan Vasco da Gama Francisco Pizzaro Sir Walter Raleigh