Presenter: Jenni Hofschulte, PPS-MKE Advocates Guide to our Milwaukee Public Schools Board Governance/School Board Presenter: Jenni Hofschulte, PPS-MKE
Where to start? The Milwaukee Public Schools Board Governance/School Board is an elected body seating eight persons representing each of the eight districts dividing the city of Milwaukee; a ninth member is elected to a “City Wide” seat.
District #1 Mark Sain (President) Term expires: April 2019 Phone: (414) 614-1774 Email:
District #2 Wendell J. Harris, Sr. Term expires: April 2019 Phone: (414) 475-8284 (Office of Board Governance) Email:
District #3 Mark Sain (President) Term expires: April 2019 Phone: (414) 475-8284 (Office of Board Governance) Email:
District #4 Mark Sain (President) Term expires: April 2021 Phone: (414) 342-1813 Email:
District #5 Larry Miller (Vice-President) Term expires: April 2021 Phone: (414)469-9319 Email:
District #6 Luis A. (Tony) Báez, Ph.D. Term expires: April 2021 Phone: (414) 475-8284 Email:
District #7 Paula Phillips Term expires: April 2021 Phone: (414) 475-8284 Email:
District #8 Carol Voss Term expires: April 2019 Phone: (414) 475-8284 (Office of Board Governance) Email:
City Wide Seat Terry Falk Term expires: April 2019 Phone: (414) 510-9173 Email: Meeting Usual Meeting Day Regular Monthly Board Meeting Last Thursday of the month, except when in conflict with major holidays or other contingencies. (Change in meeting date must be done through official Board action.) Special Board Meetings As specified in the Call of the Meeting Annual Organizational Meeting Fourth Monday in April, unless in conflict with a legal holiday, in which case, the meeting is held on the next business day. (Any other change in meeting date must be done through official Board action.) Committee meetings and regular Board meetings generally begin at 6:30 p.m./all schedules are subject to change. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held in the Donald J. O'Connell Memorial Auditorium of the Central Services Building, 5225 West Vliet Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Accountability, Finance, and Personnel (AFP) 2nd to last Th Director Phillips, Chair; Director Sain, Vice-Chair; Director Báez; Director Harris; Director Miller Legislation, Rules & Policies (LRP) at the call of the chair Director Báez, Chair; Director Woodward Vice-Chair; Director Bonds; Director Falk; Director Phillips Parent & Community Engagement (PACE) 2nd Th Director Harris, Chair; Director Báez, Vice-Chair; Director Bonds; Director Voss; Director Woodward Strategic Planning & Budget (SPB) at the call of the chair Director Miller, Chair; Director Voss, Vice-Chair; Director Báez; Director Bonds; Director Falk; Director Harris; Director Phillips; Director Sain; Director Woodward Student Achievement and School Improvement (SASI) 2nd Tu Director Voss, Chair; Director Woodward, Vice-Chair; Director Falk; Director Harris; Director Miller
Tips for Testifying Before Committees & Boards Committee & board hearings are where constituents (YOU) can come to share thoughts and experiences on a particular bill or action item. Before you go familiarize yourself with the bill/information/agenda item. Prepare your testimony, organize your thoughts. Two minutes of testimony is about 250-300 words of speech. Tell a story, give real examples. The most compelling testimony “paints a picture.” Practice your testimony for others or in the mirror to gain confidence When you arrive immediately pick up a speaker slip and fill it out, even if you do not want to speak you can write down your position on the item. When/if your name is called give copies of your testimony to the page/clerk to distribute to the committee members (if you have them, if not hand your testimony to the page/clerk when you are done and generally copies will be made and distributed on your behalf). You will take a seat or stand at the podium, take a deep breath and begin when you are prompted by the chair. When you are done be sure to say thank you.
Tips for Testifying Before Committees & Boards Do not be intimidated by the elected officials, they work for you Do not be intimidated by others who are testifying, their self-interest is not more important than yours, regardless of their position or title Make your testimony brief, from the HEART & on topic Try to engage the committee by looking up a The day or night of testifying can get very long, pack snacks Anyone CAN do this and everyone SHOULD. Sign up for all publicly noticed meeting via the City of Milwaukee E-Notify system: Parents for Public Schools of Milwaukee Facebook @PPSMKE Wisconsin Public Education Network
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