Sustainability in Engineering and Science A Tangata Whenua Perspective on Sustainability using the Mauri Model Towards decision making balance with regard to our social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being Civil & Environmental Engineering Faculty of Engineering Te Kipa Kepa Brian Morgan Associate Dean Maori, Senior Lecturer
Nga mihi o nga ahuatanga o tenei wa ki a koutou katoa Te Arawa is the waka my ancestors journeyed here on Ngati Pikiao are the people I belong to Matawhaura is the mountain Te Rotoiti i kitea a Ihenga are the waters Te Rangiunuora is my eponymous ancestral bond Te Punawhakareia a Rakeiao is my marae Nga mihi o nga ahuatanga o tenei wa ki a koutou katoa
He wero - the crisis faced Treaty of Waitangi Contemporary legislation New Zealand Waste Strategy Tangata whenua opposition Government Tangata whenua Treaty of Waitangi Territorial Authority RMA1991 LGA2002 NZ Waste Strategy
Tangata Whenua Position The people of the land are vehemently opposed to continued use of water to transport, treat, and dispose of human excrement This approach is not consistent with kawa (Maori protocol) Nor is this approach sustainable
What is Mauri? Binding force Holistic Indicator Cultural Legislated? Mauri as a measure of sustainability
What is the Mauri model? Social Economic Environmental Cultural Community Whanau Environment Hapu Four key aspects of our eco-system
Integrity Of Cultural Identity Mauri model Mauri Of the Whanau Mauri of Community Economic Analysis Well-Being Of Society Mauri of Hapu Integrity Of Cultural Identity Integrity of the Ecosystem Mauri of the Environment
Mauri of the Environment State of the environment reflects its mauri Water catchments are natural partitions Nga taonga I tuku iho – treasure passed down
Mauri of the Hapu Reflects mana (authority) as kaitiaki (guardians) Nga whakatipuranga (decendents), manaaki Knowledge base, traditional practices
Mauri of the Community Pakeha, Taurahere, Tangata Whenua General health, safety and well-being Land availability, recreational access Employment opportunities
Sustainability barometer Neutral -1 Diminishing Maintaining 1 Destroying Enhancing -2 2
Case Studies SmartGrowth Bay of Plenty Comparison of assessed sustainability differences between Tangata Whenua and consultant Professional engineers Lake Rotoiti The inconsistency of past management practices with kawa and the result Rotorua Water Supply Conflict between Rotorua District Council and Tangata Whenua over increased exploitation of Taniwha Springs
Ko te pae tawhiti whaia kia tata Ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tina Seek distant horizons and hold fast to those you attain