Reformation review game
1. True or False: After the Great Schism, the Catholic Church decided to let the two sides keep their separate popes.
FALSE: they had a conference and elected a new Pope based in Rome
2. The Church made a lot of $ through land they owned. What was another way that they made money through their followers?
They sold Indulgences
What did people accuse the Church of spending their money on? 3. What did people accuse the Church of spending their money on?
Material things, such as art
4. There were 2 types of reformers: those that wanted to improve Church, and those who saw Church as corrupt. Which type was Martin Luther?
The 2nd one
What was one of Martin Luther’s beliefs from his 95 Theses? 5. What was one of Martin Luther’s beliefs from his 95 Theses?
No indulgences, salvation can be earned through faith Bible is only source of religious truth People do not need the church
6. Who were the people who supported Luther and signed a protest against the Church?
What was a result of Bibles being printed in more local languages? 7. What was a result of Bibles being printed in more local languages?
More people could read and interpret the Bible
Did Luther support the Peasant’s revolt? 8. Did Luther support the Peasant’s revolt?
No, he did not like the violence involved
What is predestination? 9. What is predestination?
idea that God has already chosen people for salvation before they were born & people could not earn it
Why did King Henry VIII start the Anglican Church? 10. Why did King Henry VIII start the Anglican Church?
He wanted to divorce his wife, but the Pope wouldn’t let him
11. How did the Council of Trent say Catholic faith was different from Protestantism?
Protestants found truth from the Bible, Catholics followed church tradition also
What is the Counter Reformation? 12. What is the Counter Reformation?
The Church’s effort to stop spread of Protestantism
What was different about Jesuits? 14. What was different about Jesuits?
They were run like a military unit, had strong authority, education based on faith and reason, studied languages so they could spread religion
The Inquisition was used for what purpose? 15. The Inquisition was used for what purpose?
To intimidate or torture people to confess sins and question those who leave the Church
What did Church officials do to books they thought were a threat? 16. What did Church officials do to books they thought were a threat?
Burned them
What area were the missionaries not very successful in? 17. What area were the missionaries not very successful in?
What does it mean to convert? 18. What does it mean to convert?
To adopt a new religion
Who were John Eliot and Roger Williams? 19. Who were John Eliot and Roger Williams?
They organized a religious school to train missionaries
What lead missionaries to Asia? 19. What lead missionaries to Asia?
Europeans looked for a direct trade route to Asia, so missionaries went with them to convert people
20. What religion were people in Asia more likely to convert to over Catholicism?
21. What did the Japanese military leader do to those who converted to Catholicism?
Kill them
22. Missionaries spread religion through the Americas. What was the largest religion there?
Roman Catholic
Did the Church ever reunite after the reformation? 23. Did the Church ever reunite after the reformation?
No, they never were one church again
The Peace of Westphalia did what? 24. The Peace of Westphalia did what?
Recognized the division of Catholics and Protestants
25. What is a covenant?
An agreement people entered with God
How did the covenant influence Federalism? 26. How did the covenant influence Federalism?
Idea of sharing power in Church could have influenced ideas of sharing power in governments