Counter Reformation AIM: How did the Counter Reformation strengthen the Church and prevent people from converting to Protestantism?


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Presentation transcript:

Counter Reformation AIM: How did the Counter Reformation strengthen the Church and prevent people from converting to Protestantism?

The goals of the Counter-Reformation were 1545 The Counter-Reformation started in ______________________ in response to the ________________________________________________________________________ Council of Trent: ________________________________________________________________________ The goals of the Counter-Reformation were 1) _____________________________________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________________________ threat of the Protestant Reformation and challenges to the Church’s authority Catholic Council meeting organized to guide the Counter-Reformation strengthen the Catholic Church preventing people from converting to Protestant churches like Lutheranism and Calvinism Three important actions taken by the Church during the Counter Reformation were: 1   2 3 Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits Inquisition Index of Banned Books

Church Action How did this action strengthen the Church AND/OR prevent people from converting to Protestantism? Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesuits Jesuits believed in strict obedience to the Catholic Church Jesuits = defenders of Catholic Church missionaries → travelled to Asia, Africa and the Americas to spread Catholicism

Church Action How did this action strengthen the Church AND/OR prevent people from converting to Protestantism? The Spanish Inquisition was a series of trials held by the Catholic Church. The Inquisition was eventually held all over Europe but it started in Spain. Here, Conversos (Secret Jews), Protestants (those who believed in the ideas of Christian reformers) and New Christians (who converted from Islam or Judaism) were all targeted by the Inquisition.

They even expelled (kicked out) all the Jews in Spain in 1492. Church Action How did this action strengthen the Church AND/OR prevent people from converting to Protestantism? The Inquisition killed or tortured those who were thought to be against the Catholic Church. They even expelled (kicked out) all the Jews in Spain in 1492. A prisoner who refused to confess to wrongdoing would be punished and left in solitude and darkness for weeks, months or even years. There were those who confessed just to escape rotting in jail for years. Scenario #1: You are a Jewish person who has recently moved to Spain and you do not know anyone. The Inquisition is coming to town; do you pretend to be Catholic to avoid any confrontation? Why?

Church Action How did this action strengthen the Church AND/OR prevent people from converting to Protestantism? The first "Index of Forbidden Books" was drawn up by order of Pope Paul IV and published in 1559. Any book that challenged the Catholic Church was banned. With the invention of the Gutenberg printing press in Europe in 1440, it became easier to write books, copy them and disseminate them to many people. The Catholic Church feared that the printing press could give people more power to read anti-Church ideas and to spread their anti-Church beliefs.   Some historians argue that the Index of Forbidden Books is an example of censorship. Using your background knowledge about censorship, explain whether the Index of Forbidden Books is an example of censorship.

Short Response: Choose 1/2 Questions to Answer Option #1: Did the Protestant Reformation lead to more or less political and religious unity in Europe? Explain. Option #2: How did the Protestant Reformation affect the confidence and power of the Church and lives of people in Europe? Explain Point Value 4 points 3 points 2 point 1 points Topic Sentence Interesting, original topic sentence, reflecting thought and insight; focused on one interesting main idea. Clearly stated topic sentence presents one main idea. Acceptable topic sentence presents one idea. Missing, invalid, or inappropriate topic sentence;  main idea is missing. Supporting Details  Interesting, concrete and descriptive examples and details with explanations that relate to the topic.   Examples and details relate to the topic and some explanation is included.  Sufficient number of examples and details that relate to the topic. Insufficient, vague, or undeveloped examples.  Organization and Transitions Thoughtful, logical progression of supporting examples; Mature transitions between ideas. Details are arranged in a logical progression; appropriate transitions. Acceptable arrangement of examples; transitions may be weak. No discernible pattern of organization; Unrelated details; no transitions. Mechanics Consistent standard English usage, spelling, and punctuation. No errors. Some errors, but none major, in usage, spelling, or punctuation. (1-2) A few errors in usage, spelling, or punctuation (3-4) Distracting errors in usage, spelling, or punctuation