Does Education Pay? Let’s Have a Look!! Written by Randall Brown
1. Study this chart carefully 2 1. Study this chart carefully 2. Write down 2 or more conclusions you can make from what you see.
The more you know, the greater your $salary$
The more you learn, the more you can earn!!
Increase your wage no matter what age!!
A higher degree gives you a greater fee!! THIS MEANS… You have a Better chance of getting a job with more education!!
Are you getting the picture?
Even teachers get higher pay with more education.
Unit Vocabulary Educational Achievement Post-Secondary Options GPA, Rigor, Quality Points, SAT/ACT, Class Rank Post-Secondary Options OJT, Military, College, Technical College, Special-Purpose Schools, Online Courses, Apprenticeships Financial Aid Need, Merit, Scholarships, Loans, FAFSA, Grants, Federal Work Study, HOPE