Adaptive Peak: Struthio Camelus The Ostrich
Ostrich Facts Largest bird in the world Flightless bird Native to Africa Can reach speeds up to 45 mph for sustained periods Live to 75 years An ostrich egg is the equivalent of 2 dozen chicken eggs Can lay up to 40-100 eggs per year To hard boil and ostrich egg would 1.5 hours
Description Weigh between 150 and 300 lbs The males have black feathers with white tips The females are grayish brown with white tips Has only two toes on each foot Adaptation for running The nail on the larger toe resembles a hoof
Description Feathers are soft, fluffy and great insulators Have 3 stomachs
Behavior Defense Mechanisms Diet Reproduction Power deadly kick Speed Plants and insects Reproduction Females sit on egg by day and males by night