Christian Leadership School (CLS) Please join us for Spirit-filled learning at the Christian Leadership School (CLS) Phase 3 Course - Intro to the New Testament Feb. 16,17,18 from 6pm-9pm Cost: Pre-Registration $10; $15 on-site Course Book: Survey of the New Testament by Paul N. Benware Available at, & VCY Bookstore Pre-Resistration Form -- Please Print: Name: Email: Telephone: Payment Type (circle one: Cash or Check) - payable to Mount Zion Please return form and payment to Elaine Wickliffe, Burma Hudson, Yvonne Thomas, Deandre Taylor, Sharlie McCain or Brenda Bell Rev. Louis E. Sibley III, Senior Pastor Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church Please visit the Mt. Zion Council of Christian Education online at This School is authorized by the Division of Christian Education Accreditation and Credentials of the Sunday School Publishing Board, National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
Christian Leadership School (CLS) Save the date! Please come and join us in this exciting new journey to Christian Growth! At the Mt. Zion Christian Leadership School (CLS) A 4-Phase certificate program For Phase 3 COPP Intro to the New Testament Instruction from the WGBSC Feb. 16th, 17th & 18th, 6:00pm-9:00pm Cost: Pre-Registration $10 & $15 at registration CLS provides: A Certificate of Progress Program (COPP) Increased biblical knowledge An understanding of the Baptist Church Encouragement of Bible study and reading The Fellowship of study together with the Church family and other Churches Rev. Louis E. Sibley III, Senior Pastor Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church 2207 N. 2nd St., Milwaukee, WI 414-372-7811 This School is authorized by the Division of Christian Education Accreditation and Credentials of the Sunday School Publishing Board, National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.