Le Futur simple Saying when things will happen
Le Futur proche You already know how to use « le futur proche » (the near future) by using the present tense form of « aller » and following it with an infinitive. Je parle (present tense) Je vais parler (futur proche) I am going to speak However, the futur proche implies that something is going to happen, and not that it will happen. *Le futur proche is not a tense* It is part of the present tense.
Le Futur simple Le futur simple is a tense that describes what will happen In English, to make the future, you insert the helping verb « will » before the present tense verb. - I go → present tense - I will go → future (present tense with the helping verb « will » in front)
Le Futur simple In French, however, the future is formed by adding endings to the infinitive: Je parle → I speak (present tense) Je parlerai → I will speak (futur simple) In other words, the English word « will » is included in the ending.
Forming le futur simple To form the futur: -ai-ons Infinitive of the verb + -as-ez -a-ont –parler → je parlerai –finir→ tu finiras For –re verbs, drop the final « e », before adding the endings rendre → nous rendrons
Le verbes irréguliers Like all tenses, there are irregular verbs in the futur simple. This means that some verbs do not have the intinitive as its stem. avoir → j’aurai être → nous serons The endings do not change.
Les verbes irréguliers aller → ir- avoir →aur- devoir →devr- être →ser- faire →fer- pouvoir →pourr- venir →viendr- voir →verr- vouloir →voudr-
À-vous I will eat You will talk He will do She will celebrate One will light We will come You (pl.) will see They (m.) will have