Aim: Why were the 1920’s called the “Roaring Twenties”?
Suspected Radicals awaiting deportation hearings on Ellis Island The RED SCARE Suspected Radicals awaiting deportation hearings on Ellis Island
The 1920s were supposed to be normal... ...but they were anything but normal. The 1920s
“Roaring Twenties” Named for the booming economy and changing lifestyles in America President’s Coolidge and Hoover were very laissez-faire Keep gov’t interference to a minimum = allow business to grow
New Developments New technology changes American lifestyles Automobiles now very cheap! Why? Assembly line production! Ford’s “Model T” was $290 in 1924 Airplane Industry is beginning (Charles Lindbergh becomes a celebrity – Spirit of St. Louis)
America the Story of Us Rise of the Automobiles (10:50 - 16:33) How were Ford’s cars different than other available cars? What’s wrong with Roscoe Sheller’s new job as a car salesman?
New Appliances Home appliances make life easier Washing Machine Vacuum Cleaner Sewing Machine Refrigerator Radio! Most of these items were bought using installment plans = credit (like a modern day credit card)
Some economists and business owners worried that the installment buying might be getting out of hand and that it was really a sign of fundamental weaknesses behind a superficial economic prosperity. One business owner event wrote to President Coolidge and related a conversation he had overheard on a train… Man: Have you an automobile yet? Woman: No, I talked it over with John and he felt we could not afford one. Man: Mr. Budge who lives in your town has one and they are not as well off as you are. Woman: Yes, I know. Their second installment came due, and they had no money to pay it. Man: What did they do? Lose the car? Woman: No, they got the money and paid the second installment. Man: How did they get the money? Woman: They sold the cook-stove. Man: How did they get along without a cook-stove? Woman: They didn't. They bought another on the installment plan. - a business owner quoted in In the Time of Silent Cal What problems might develop with using credit and installment buying plans?
1920s consumerism led to luxury living: Radios & movies boomed NBC was the 1st successful radio network
Advertising Boom To market the new technology Target people’s wants – not their needs Chain Stores and Department Stores grow Woolworth’s and Five-and-Dimes
100 million Americans went to the movies in 1929 per week
1920’s – The Movies Motion pictures became more popular Jazz Singer 1st “Talkie” was The Jazz Singer (1927) Jazz Singer The Lion’s Cage
Walt Disney & Mickey Mouse Other key films: Robin Hood (1922), The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1923), The Phantom Of The Opera (1925), Ben-Hur (1925), Wings (1927), Steamboat Willie (1928).
HOMEWORK: The Harlem Renaissance In your textbook: Read pages: 658-663 Then, answer: pg. 663: #1 "Langston Hughes", "Duke Ellington”, and “Louis Armstrong”…and #3, #4, #5, #6 (each, in one paragraph of 5-8 sentences) Here are questions 4 and 5: #4 How did popular culture in America change as a result of the Great Migration? #5 What did the Harlem Renaissance contribute to both black and general American history? #6 (Connecting to your lives today) - Where in your lives today do you see impacts of the Harlem Renaissance? Give specific examples. DUE TUESDAY 3/28
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Answering Aim: Why were the 1920’s called the “Roaring Twenties”? Final Summary Answering Aim: Why were the 1920’s called the “Roaring Twenties”?