Corporate Social Responsibility PJD Group Corporate Social Responsibility
Agenda What is CSR? CSR Framework Benefits of CSR CSR Activities CSR Report CSR “Let’s Do It” List
What is CSR? Companies managing their activities and resources to produce a positive impact on society and the environment.
CSR Framework Workplace Marketplace Community Environment
Workplace Employee welfare & morale Employee training & development Healthy and safe working environment
Marketplace Corporate governance Supplier partnership Customer service Shareholder value
Community Charities and funds Community service projects Social work
Environment Environmental protection Waste management & recycling Saving energy and water
Benefits of CSR Workplace Marketplace Community Environment Increases staff motivation & competency Safe & pleasant working environment Increases profit and growth rate Follows regulatory requirements Community Environment Strengthens brand image Better reputation Reduces operating costs Helps protect the environment
PJD Group CSR Activities “Gotong Royong” at Jalan Bukit Bintang Re-cycling project Carnival Amal with Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah Children’s Day celebration at Philea Home, Kapar, Klang Charity Fund Raising campaign for the Budi Yan Orphanage and the Old Folk’s Home in Bedong Save the Planet Green Project with tree planting Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur Local Agenda Project Christmas Star Charity Project Johor Flood Relief Fund “Our Children, Our Future” Charity Event Charity Visit to Yayasan Sunbeams Home
“Bukit Bintang Gotong Royong”
“Bukit Bintang Gotong Royong”
“Gotong Royong” at the beach Recycling talk and recycling project
Swiss-Garden Environmental Talk
Live the Hijau Way Campaign Local Agenda 21
The Hijau Way – Microwave Composting Machine
‘Help Save the Planet’ cards ‘Help Save the Planet’ stickers
Replacing water bottles with water dispensers in meeting rooms (banquet)
Replacing plastic bags with paper bags in guest rooms Reusable canvas bags to minimize usage of plastic bags amongst associates
Children’s Day celebration at Philea Home
Christmas Carolers - Lighthouse Childrens Home, Bangsar
Our Children, Our Future Charity Event
Swiss-Garden Green Run “Gotong-Royong” Recycling Projects Swiss-Garden Green Run A 2.5km race (Hotel Car Park – Jetty), to instill greater love and a sense of responsibility towards Mother Nature amongst employees of Swiss-Garden Golf Resort & Spa Damai Laut.
with Seri Garden School Green Project with Seri Garden School
with Children from UMMU Sopiah, Trong Ramadhan Break Fast with Children from UMMU Sopiah, Trong
Blood Donation Campaign
Battery Operated Buggies
Planting Programme Nurturing the earth with the Planting Programme, by germinating seeds from trees to produce more greens at the Swiss-Garden Golf Resort & Spa Damai Laut. This programme also campaigns for the use of environmental-friendly fertilizer as well as creating compost heap that produces organic fertilizer when cultivating the plants.
Flood Relief ‘The Flood Patrol’ team from Swiss-Garden Resort & Spa Kuantan donated linen and beddings to a Flood Relief Centre in Kampung Tiram, Kuantan where 19 families were left with nothing but the clothes on their backs, many with only a mat to sleep on.
Christmas Magical Bear All proceeds from the ‘Magical Bears’ sale at all F&B outlets were channeled to helping the Handicapped and Mentally Retarded Children Centre of Kuantan have a better Christmas.
CNY Road Safety Campaign
Christmas Charity Fund Raising Campaign
Ramadhan Charity with Rumah Anak-Anak Yatim Kampung Che Bema , Sg. Petani
Charity Visit to Yayasan Sunbeams Home
CSR Report Sample
Staff “Let’s Do It” List Switch off lights during lunch hour Print on/use recycle paper for discussions Set computer to standby mode after 5 mins when not in use Paperless meetings – use projector Avoid external phone calls, use email whenever possible
What Can You Do? In your industry? In your department?
~ The End ~ Thank You