CATEGORIES OF STIMULI Releasing (or triggering) stimuli Orienting stimuli Priming stimuli Sign stimuli
CATEGORIES OF STIMULI Sign stimuli - species specific -release a reaction that is inherited not learned
Sign Stimuli 1. European robin Red breast releases aggressive behaviour in males
Complex Sign Stimuli Cues?? Herring Gull -chick pecks at parent’s beak to obtain regurgitated food Cues??
Two major cues are involved: 1. Yellow bill 2. Red spot on the mandible
Male Stickleback (Gasterosteus) Red Belly Red Belly + Head Down Posture
Innate Releasing Mechanisms SIGN STIMULUS receptor CNS IRM Match Motor pattern Generated Motor output No match No motor pattern generated
Fixed Action Pattern (FAP) Egg Rolling in a Greylag Goose
A series of FAP’s can be put into a sequence Female Male 1. Appears -heads up display 2. Zig-zag swim 3. Swims head up to male 4. Swim to nest 5. follows 6. Show nest 7. Enters nest 8. Tremble thrust 9. spawn
Should look like: In reality: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
More Fixed Action Patterns
Modal Action Patterns
Lorenz’s Hydraulic Model
Vacuum activity Time Court rolled up towel Court live female Court female model Court corner of cage
Displacement activity