Highway Transportation System Responsible Driving Book
Highway Transportation System (HTS) Roads Side streets, highways, parkways Vehicles Small and large cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles Human Beings Responsible and not responsible
***All work together to regulate the HTS*** HTS Regulations ***All work together to regulate the HTS*** *Federal: establishes rules all states must follow *State: establishes highway speed limits and enforces state regulations *Local: establishes and enforces speed limits and other traffic laws
The Risks of Driving Risk: the possibility of personal injuries or damage to vehicles or property. The RISKS are always present
Reduce the Risks Be in sound mental and physical condition Vehicle in top condition Drive defensively Protect yourself – use safety belt system – use headlights (make yourself more visible) Be in sound mental and physical condition Develop driving skills
Develop a Driving Foundation System to gather and process information to make good decisions and reduce the risks
S.I.P.D.E. S = Scan I = Identify P = Predict D = Decide E = Execute
Smith System Set of five rules to help develop your visual search habits and protect yourself from unsafe actions of other roadway users. 1. Aim high in steering – look ahead 2. Keep your eyes moving – mirrors 3. Get the big picture – mental process 4. Make sure others see you – lights, horn 5. Leave yourself a way out (space cushion)