Formation of relationships Matching Hypothesis Introduction to Year 2 Psychology
Learning Objective: To continue your personal investigation into the matching hypothesis. Success Criteria Write the results section of your report with your group. Begin to write up the discussion individually. Challenge Can you define the term statistically significant?
Writing up your results You will need one per group There are two sections to this, descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics* – Descriptive statistics describe the main features of the data e.g. graphs and averages. Refer to your raw data, calculate average scores and plot male and female scores against one another on a scattergraph. What does your graph show? Inferential statistics – Inferential statistics help us to make conclusions e.g. are the findings significant? Justify why you used the Spearman’s Rho test. Your actual calculations should be in the appendix. Are your results significant? You can use the following statement as a template: As the calculated value of rho (______) is higher/lower than the critical value (___), the null hypothesis can be accepted/rejected and the experimental hypothesis can be accepted/rejected. It can be reported that there is not/is a significant positive correlation between the attractiveness of married couples (rho = ____, N=___, p0.05, one-tailed). *Raw data - these should be placed in the appendices so that’s it’s possible to check and confirm the accuracy of your results.
Discussion This should be written individually This section is designed to interpret your results. It must include the following headings: Reliability Validity Ethical issues Improvements to research
Learning Objective: To continue your personal investigation into the matching hypothesis. Success Criteria Write the results section of your report with your group. Begin to write up the discussion individually. Challenge Can you define the term statistically significant?