Chapter 9 Print Media Traditional format Trusted by audiences Useful for information (not demonstration) Excellent medium for carrying supplemental elements such as coupons and providing access to contact info
Newspapers The structure of newspapers Newspaper readers / readership Frequency of publication (dailies/weeklies) Size Circulation Newspaper readers / readership Measuring the newspaper audience Auditing Bureau of Circulation (ABC) Simmons-Scarborough
Newspapers Advertising in newspaper markets Classified Display National versus local Supplements Changes in the newspaper industry
Newspapers Range of market coverage Comparison shopping Cost effective way to reach local, regional markets Comparison shopping Advertisers with competitive advantage can benefit Positive consumer attitudes Ads are viewed as current and credible Flexibility Geographic and production flexibility Interaction of national and local
Newspapers Short life span Clutter Limited coverage of certain groups Less reach with young, elderly, and foreign-language consumers Low control over placement Can pay preferred-position rate Poor reproduction Lack of selectivity
Magazines Types of magazines Audience Geography Demographics Editorial content Physical characteristics Distribution and circulation
Magazines Magazine readers and their measurement Auditing Bureau of Circulation (ABC) Simmons Market Research Bureau (SMRB) MediaMark offers MRI Advertising in magazines Technology Format
Magazines Target audiences Audience receptivity Long life span Format Primary advantage is ability to reach specialized audiences Audience receptivity Long life span Format Magazine formats allow creative variety Visual quality Sales promotion Ads can include coupons, samples, and information cards
Magazines Limited flexibility Lack of immediacy High cost Distribution Ads must be submitted well in advance of publication Limited choices for ad locations Lack of immediacy Some readers don’t look at magazine until long after it has reached their home High cost Distribution Many of the 2,500 different magazines are not available at most newsstands
Out-Of-Home Advertising Outdoor advertising target specific people with specific messages Billboards include: Posters (pre-pasted and applied / extensions) Painted Bulletin (created onsite) Buying outdoor space based on gross rating points / measurement difficult Simmons Market Research Bureau (national) Audience Measurement by Market of Outdoor (local)
Out-Of-Home Advertising Advantages High impact medium with larger than life visuals Good for reminding about or reinforcing concepts employed in other media Least expensive of all major media Disadvantages Quick exposure, distracted consumers Message must be brief and simple Boards are often vandalized Some states ban or restrict billboards
Transit Mainly urban form that uses vehicles to carry messages Also includes the posters seen in bus shelters and train, airport, and subway stations Transit advertising is reminder advertising Transit audience: Interior transit ads are seen by people riding buses, subways, and some taxies Exterior transit is mounted on vehicles
Directories Phone / area-wide / suburban / neighborhood Special interest or niche / business-to-business Yellow Pages Strengths Directories are a shopping medium Inexpensive and provide excellent ROI Directories offer flexibility and have a long life Weaknesses Extreme clutter Ads cannot be changed for months Those who cannot read English are missed
Print Media Strategy When to use print Use newspapers if Use magazines if Use out-of-home if Use directories if Local business Well-defined target audience Local business that wants to sell Local business or can serve local customers Want extensive market coverage Want to reinforce or remind Regional or national business that wants to remind Want to create action Your product is consumed in a predictable manner Must show the product accurately and beautifully Product requires little information and demonstration Allow comparisons or provide inquiry and purchase information Do not need to demonstrate Need to relate product information Small to moderate budget Moderate to large budget