Chapter 1 Establishing a Framework for Communication Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Purposes of Group Communication Chapter 1 Purposes of Group Communication Achievement or Task Purpose To serve on a decision-making or problem-solving group To get the job done Maintenance or Social Purpose To assist in the betterment of individual members from a behavioral point of view To develop group morale Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Communication Process Model Chapter 1 Communication Process Model Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Communication Channels Chapter 1 Communication Channels Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Levels of Communication Chapter 1 Intrapersonal Group Unity Organizational Interpersonal Mass Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Communication Channels Chapter 1 Formal Channels Rules procedures, policy created by management to control individual and group behavior Informal Channels Patterns that emerge as people interact within a formal system to create a satisfying environment Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Grapevine: An Informal Communication Channel Chapter 1 Grapevine: An Informal Communication Channel Myths Speedy but inaccurate (rumor mill) Message passes from one to one until it reaches the end of the line Truth No more or less accurate than other communication channels Message distribution is network in nature rather than linear. Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Flow of Information Within an Organization Chapter 1 Flow of Information Within an Organization Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Strategic Forces Influencing Business Communication Chapter 1 Strategic Forces Influencing Business Communication Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Diversity Challenges International Gender Intercultural Chapter 1 Diversity Challenges International Gender Intercultural Intergenerational Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Barriers to Intercultural Communication Chapter 1 Barriers to Intercultural Communication Ethnocentricism Stereotypes Interpretation of time Personal space requirements Body language Translation limitations Lack of language training Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Impacts of Technology Data collection and analysis Chapter 1 Impacts of Technology Data collection and analysis Clearer and more effective messages Distance overcome Legal and ethical issues Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Team Environment Organization of the Future Chapter 1 Team Environment Organization of the Future Nonhierarchical Networked Horizontal Clustered A Way to Remain Competitive in a Global Market Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Chapter 1 Benefits of Work Teams Make workers happier by causing them to feel they are shaping their jobs Increase efficiency by eliminating layers of managers passing down orders and monitoring performance Enable a company to draw on the skills and imagination of the whole work force Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Skills Important to Effective Teams Chapter 1 Skills Important to Effective Teams Problem solving and goal setting Conflict resolution Distributed leadership skills Commitment to evaluate the group process continually Ability to understand the feelings and needs of co-workers Effective communication skills Ability to deal with barriers Business Communication, Anniversary Edition Lehman and DuFrene 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning