A graphene solar cell driven nanopropulsion MEMS component made by semiconductor techniques and that can travel at the speed of light
Introduction (overview) Purpose of the lecture A narrowing of the theme Four part component. All will be thoroughly explained individually
PART 1: Nanopropulsion
Traditional Propulsion Based on momentum P = mv Rocket thrusts forward by rearward ejection of fuel Total mass is constant But mass of rocket decreases F = - v_ex (dm/dt) is the thrust of the rocket
Nanopropulsion – principle of operation Extreme properties seen at critical sizes Monolayer Graphene deposited by MBE or ALD An ideal efficient field emitter Could be comparable to a bulkmaterial Furthermore could lead to millions of nanoreactors in system Other materials are also possible of course
PART 2 :Graphene solar cell To collect solar energy Has considerable higher efficiency than silicon Would cladd the engine Constant replenishment The energy could either be charged in a capacitator Or directly to the nanorecactor Built by traditional semiconductor CMOS technology PART 2 :Graphene solar cell
PART 3: Microelectricalmechanical system (MEMS)
Function: Alerting and potentially creating ions for thrust Thermal sensing Thermal expansion Varies for materials Must be a monolayer Parallell plate conductance sensing Different advantages Two c. plates with a dielectric layer between
PART 4: Light speed Difficult to comprehend without papers in front of you (will publish later this summer probably)
Final experimental design
Semiconductor techniques used - Molecular Beam Epitaxy to deposit graphene MEMS part based on traditional CMOS Optical lithography by resist to make nanoreactors Ion technology present, but not in the form of ion implantation :D
Sources University Physics with modern physics, by Young and Freedman Nanomaterials and Nanochemistry, by Brechignac et al Field electron emission characteristic of graphene, by Wang et al High density current electron emission from graphene, by Zhai et al https://www.graphene-info.com/nanotech-engineerings-92-efficiency-graphene-cnts-solar-panel-claim Ebrahim Karimis research at University of Ottawa Foundation of MEMS, by Chang Liu The science and engineering of microelectronic fabrication, by Stephen Campbell