Digital Citizenship and You. How you can make a difference. Please note: This PowerPoint presentation was set to Kiosk Mode and cannot move forward unless you click the mouse. Setting the PowerPoint to this feature helps during the interactive game portion. Click here to continue
Main Menu Click the laptop below to learn about Digital Citizenship! Click the question mark below to take the Digital Citizenship Quiz! Click on the stated object to move forward. It is suggested that you review the content by clicking the laptop first!
What is Digital Citizenship??? Digital Citizenship is when people use technology responsibly. What is Digital Citizenship??? Allow children time to answer the question. Praise for answering. ***IMPORTANT*** When you click the title the definition appears. Click here to continue
How Can I Be a Good Digital Citizen??? Know the Rules! How Can I Be a Good Digital Citizen??? Again, I set the image and text box to show up (if you choose to) discuss the question. Click the title for the image to appear. Click here to continue
Be aware of your digital footprint. Understand that anything you say online is written in virtual ink and is there forever. Think before you type. In fact, use correct grammar and spelling when you type online as well. Keep in mind that what you post today can be seen tomorrow! Have your students elaborate on this. Explain to them that anything they post online today can be viewed in the future- and yes that includes bad grammar and spelling. Click here to continue
Protect Your Information. Do not give out information such as your full name, address, phone number, your school, etc. to strangers. Think before you provide too much information. Give more examples such as your photo and when it is okay to give out your information {like when you sign up to join a Web site}. Discuss how you never make your full name as a username or email. Click here to continue
Understand Copyright. Downloading or taking someone else’s work without paying for or having the owner’s consent is illegal. Not everything is protected by copyright! Ideas, titles and ingredients are just a few items that are not protected. Copyright should be an entire lesson of it’s own. This is just to introduce young students. If you need assistance with this area, is a great resource! Click here to continue
Keep in Mind Digital Moderation. Although using technology can be fun and exciting, keep in mind that too much of a good thing is just that- too much. Aside from being a strain on your eyes, improper posture can effect your hands, neck and back as well. Don’t let your digital life interfere with your real life. Stress the importance of exercise and how digital material can become habit forming or even addicting. Click here to continue
Practice Good Netiquette Netiquette, or Network Etiquette, is the way to properly treat one another while online. The rules of Netiquette include: Use correct spelling , appropriate language and do not use all capitol letters! Do not start “Flame Wars” or send spam messages. Respect other people and treat others the way you would want to be treated on and offline. Be a good citizen and help others while online. Elaborate on this. They should ask what a flame war (basically arguing with someone online either via email, chat room, etc.) or spam. Define both. Ask- how can you help others while online? Click here to continue
Most of All Be Responsible Please tell an adult right away if you come across something that makes you feel uncomfortable online . Whether it is an image, written or you acknowledge that someone is being bullied it should be reported to a trusting adult right away! Never give out your passwords to anyone- except your parents! Discuss and have students share ideas. Click here to continue
Take the Good Digital Citizenship Quiz Play Now!!! Take the Good Digital Citizenship Quiz Select a student to come up and click (or touch if you have a electronic whiteboard) to begin.
To be a good digital citizen, I…. Need to respect others online as well as offline. Use all capital letters when I send a message online. Type inappropriate messages that may cause hurt to someone else. Don’t let them sit down after they answer this question correctly. Answering the next question is also mandatory!
Great Job!!! Please, share with the class an example of how you can respect others online! Allow time for answers. Click to continue.
I should NEVER tell a stranger online my…….. full name and address. password. All of the above. Don’t let them sit down after they answer this question correctly. Answering the next question is also mandatory!
What other types of information should you NEVER share online. Why? Way To Go!!! What other types of information should you NEVER share online. Why? Allow time for answers. Click to continue.
Which statement is true? It is okay to make copies of copyrighted music, images and written work that I find online. It is illegal to make copies of copyrighted music, images and written work that I find online. Don’t let them sit down after they answer this question correctly. Answering the next question is also mandatory!
What type of information is not copyrighted??? Nice Work!!! What type of information is not copyrighted??? Allow time for answers. Click to continue.
Spending too much time on a technical device can cause damage to my…. chair. It may break. eyes, hands, neck and back. laptop. Don’t let them sit down after they answer this question correctly. Answering the next question is also mandatory!
Tell us more about your health and using technology! Awesome!!! Tell us more about your health and using technology! Allow time for answers. Click to continue.
Digital Citizenship Sites to Explore Digital Citizenship Sites to Explore During this lesson, I typically have them explore some internet safety and digital citizenship games. Go back to the beginning!
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I PLEDGE TO BE A GOOD DIGITAL CITIZEN Your Name Date Teacher’s Signature