Agenda item 8b WISE SoE reporting 2015 state of the play When: The reporting will take place from 1st December 2015 until 29 February 2016 What: 2013 and 2014 data on water quality (in rivers, lakes, groundwater), emissions to water and water quantity Data from previous years (update or additional) as it was indicated as being available in the quality fact sheets Test phase: will be open from 2nd November until 30 November. Any problems occurring during the testing should be communicated via Olaf Büttner (ETC), Fernanda Néry (EEA) WG DIS, Brussels, 13/14th October 2015
Water Quality (WISE-4) Data dictionary: Structure simplified (16 tables to 5 tables) Reporting of disaggregated data is possible for nutrients and hazardous substances Common code list of parameters, used also in WISE SoE Emissions and WFD Spatial unit identifiers (monitoring sites and water bodies) harmonized with WFD Spatial data reported via the WISE spatial reference data flow Olaf Büttner (ETC), Fernanda Néry (EEA) WG DIS, Brussels, 13/14th October 2015
Water Quantity (WISE-3) Data dictionary: (final draft, open for comments until 15th of October) Implemented as a standard reporting flow via Reportnet. No longer requires a specific reporting software tool Complete revised data model with Simplified structure with 7 tables Harmonization of parameters with EUROSTAT and WFD Significant reduction in the number of parameters: 127 parameters removed from the Water Quantity reporting; 74 parameters requested (of which 13 newly introduced). Spatial data reported via the WISE spatial reference data flow Olaf Büttner (ETC), Fernanda Néry (EEA) WG DIS, Brussels, 13/14th October 2015
Emissions (WISE-1) Data dictionary: Simplified data model (1 table instead of 4 tables) containing emissions from point and diffuse sources Common code list of substances, used also in WISE SoE Water Quality and WFD WISE SoE source categories harmonised with WFD Pressures (next slide) Spatial data will be reported via the WISE spatial reference data flow since the changes will be introduced in version 6.0.2 on the WFD schemas (i.e. past the deadline for 6.0.1, which was published today), it should be presented next week on the DIS meeting. So put it in the Emissions slide – no big text – just a table and an explanation about the alignment and then mention (no need to write) that the WFD code list will be updating accordingly. Olaf Büttner, Fernanda Nery (EEA) WG DIS, Brussels, 13./14th October 2015
WISE SoE Emissions source Emissions to water WISE SoE source categories aligned with WFD Pressures WFD Pressure WISE SoE Emissions source Comment 1 – Point source of pollution PT – Point sources Note that the proper correspondence is PT plus NP5. 1.1 – Point - Urban waste water U – Point - Urban waste water Further disaggregation is possible in the WISE SoE Emissions data flow. 1.2 – Point - Storm overflows NP5 – Diffuse - Storm overflow emissions Note that in the WISE SoE Emissions data flow, this source is reported as a diffuse sources. 1.3 – Point - IED plants I – Point - Industrial waste water 1.4 – Point - Non IED plants 1.5 – Point - Contaminated sites or abandoned industrial sites O1 – Point - Contaminated sites or abandoned industrial sites Note that under WISE SoE Emissions, these emissions can be included in the "O – Point - Other" value if the data is not disaggregated by subcategory. 1.6 – Point - Waste disposal sites O2 – Point - Waste disposal sites 1.7 – Point - Mine waters O3 – Point - Mine waters 1.8 – Point - Aquaculture O4 – Point - Aquaculture 1.9 – Point - Other O – Point - Other Note that further disaggregation is possible under the WISE SoE Emissions data flow. A direct matching to WFD 1.9 only exist if subcategories O1, O2, O3 and O4 are reported, and if only the remainder sources are reported under the generic category "O – Point - Other". 2 – Diffuse source of pollution NP – Diffuse sources Partial correspondence. Note that WFD 2.5 is included under point sources in the WISE SoE Emissions. 2.1 – Diffuse - Urban run-off NP4 – Diffuse - Urban run-off 2.2 – Diffuse - Agricultural NP1 – Diffuse - Agricultural emissions 2.3 – Diffuse - Forestry NP71 – Diffuse - Forestry emissions 2.4 – Diffuse - Transport NP72 – Diffuse - Transport emissions 2.5 – Diffuse - Contaminated sites or abandoned industrial sites No direct correspondence with WISE SoE Emissions sources. This type of emissions are reported under "O1 – Point - Contaminated sites or abandoned industrial sites" (or, if disaggregated values are not available, under "O – Point - Other"). 2.6 – Diffuse - Discharges not connected to sewerage network NP3 – Diffuse - Un-connected dwellings emissions 2.8 – Diffuse - Mining NP73 – Diffuse - Mining emissions 2.7 – Diffuse - Atmospheric deposition NP2 – Diffuse - Atmospheric deposition 2.9 – Diffuse - Aquaculture NP74 – Diffuse - Aquaculture emissions 2.10 – Diffuse - Other NP7 – Diffuse - Other diffuse emissions Partial correspondence: NP7-(NP71+NP72+NP73+NP74)+NP8 No correspondence NP8 – Diffuse - Background emissions since the changes will be introduced in version 6.0.2 on the WFD schemas (i.e. past the deadline for 6.0.1, which was published today), it should be presented next week on the DIS meeting. So put it in the Emissions slide – no big text – just a table and an explanation about the alignment and then mention (no need to write) that the WFD code list will be updating accordingly.
WISE - Spatial Data (WISE-5) Spatial data must be reported according to WISE GIS Guidance 6.0.1 Spatial data only have to be reported once All spatial references in any of the WISE SoE reporting tables will be checked against reported spatial data Reporting format is GML ( online conversion from shapefile to GML is available ) A test phase will be open First reporting in WISE SoE is open from 1st December 2015 until 22 March 2016 In future: reporting of new or update of spatial data (e.g. monitoring sites) will be possible the whole year Olaf Büttner, Fernanda Nery (EEA) WG DIS, Brussels, 13./14th October 2015