Very short Japanese poems Haiku Very short Japanese poems
Dictionary Definition: Poem: A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions, characterized by the use of condensed language chosen for its sound and suggestive powers and by use of the literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme
History of the Haiku Originated around the 16th Century in Japan Most popular form of Japanese poetry Made popular by poets such as Matsu Basho Kobayashi Issa Masaoka Shiki
Haiku Details Each poem has three lines, each with a specific syllable: 1st line: 5 syllables 2nd line: 7 syllables 3rd line: 5 syllables Contains a break in which divides the poem in two; this is usually done after the 1st or 2nd line and is indicated with a colon (:), a dash (-), or ellipsis (…)
Haiku Content Traditionally about nature and the seasons (season key word) Should be simple but deep Should be like a photo of nature that moves the author and reveals some insight Written in the present tense
Avoid the Common Observation The leaves are changing Red and brown, yellow, and orange – Winter is coming. Uncommon With the scent of rain Oh, how the colors embrace – Petals kiss the sky.
Examples (5-7-5 Every single star Syllables) Is quivering now with light… Oh, how bitter cold. (Break) (Season words) ~Taigi
Embrace this ocean, Mystical and powerful, Surging to success! A haiku for this year: Embrace this ocean, Mystical and powerful, Surging to success!
Create your own haiku: Em/brace/ this/ o/cean, 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Mys/ti/cal/ and/ pow/er/ful, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Surg/ing/ to/ suc/cess! 1 2 3 4 5 Focus on an intense emotion or image: THINK!!! Choose vivid words. Structure syllables per line 5-7-5. Capitalize the first letter of each line. Do NOT rhyme! Punctuate! Spell correctly!
Examples After the shower… Spring-enchanted sparrow-folk Chatter in the leaves. ~Uko
Examples (these are translations) The winter dawn, though dim, Is welcomed by the warming bird – It means fresh life to him. ~Senseki
Examples (these are translations) With every gust of wind, The butterfly changes its place On the willow ~Basho Yeah, you try and find a picture of both a butterfly and a willow tree.
A Non-Nature Haiku Ghosts play on children’s Swings, moving them silently In the cold moonlight. ~Linda Welsh
You too can Haiku (aka your assignment) For tomorrow: 3 Haiku One for a season One for an animal One that has nothing to do with nature Handwritten