Father Muller Medical College & Hospital, Mangalore, Karnataka. Interns skill evaluation through Objectively structured Clinical Evaluation(OSCE)- The Challenges Dr Prathvi Shetty. Email :prathviz@fathermuller.in Father Muller Medical College & Hospital, Mangalore, Karnataka. Results Introduction In achieving clinical competency, Interns are not only required to demonstrate that they know the facts which underpin clinical practice but also know how to apply these facts. Crucially they also need to show that they can perform the clinical tasks and skills. This facet of clinical competence relates more to behavioral than cognitive attributes. OSCEs allows us to evaluate accurately the various domains of clinical competency . Is it relevant? 89.1 % Does it imitate your training?96.4 % Stations were difficult?14% Was the examination stressful? 38% Was there enough time? 95.4 % Nature of assessment ? 96% Students Staff Assuring that an Individual meets predetermined minimal qualification. 87.3 % Identifying who need to repeat the programme. 84% Assessing all aspects of the students (Knowledge, skill and attitude) 98% Time given for stations. 97 % Objective To describe student and faculty perceptions of an OSCE The challenges Acceptability of the test. Reliability and validity of stations. To train examiner to objectively assess candidate performance based on the pre-set criteria. Discussion STUDENTS PERSPECTIVE Covers a wide knowledge area and wide range of clinical skills Reduces the chances of failing. The setting and context of station felt authentic . THE OSCE TEAM To dispense with personal preference Manpower requirement. Recruitment and training of simulated Patient Logistics of the examination process Methods and Materials Over a period of two years an exit exam in form of OSCE, for the outgoing interns have been conducted. Four batches have gone through with a total of 168 students. OSCE design Pass/Fail criteria Exam preparation and Administration Student perceptions Faculty opinions Conclusion Organizing the exam is complex but once implemented can be an effective tool in evaluation of interns skills thereby standardizing the quality of interns.