bellicose: adjective definition: eager to fight; aggressively hostile ready to attack warlike; belligerent; pugnacious
bellicose pronunciation: bel-i-kohs
bellicose bellicosely bellicosity bellicoseness related forms: adverb noun bellicosity bellicoseness
bellicose combative warring antagonistic truculent quarrelsome synonyms combative warring antagonistic truculent quarrelsome browbeating fierce aggressive intimidating contentious pugnacious
antonymn agreeable calm easygoing pacifistic passive peaceful
bellicose The bellicose pirate scowled as the enemy ship approached.
bellicosely The sergeant bellicosely thundered at the enlisted man.
bellicosity The businessman was filled with bellicosity.
bellicoseness bellicoseness A wave of swept over the gladiator when his opponent entered the arena.
bellicose The bellicose teen shrieked at his teacher.
bellicose A lioness may be extremely bellicose when the safety of her cubs is threatened.
bellicosity bellicosity The man was unable to control his when his wife backed into his car.