EB74: Market and Policy Developments NAZCA evolution Luca Brusa, UNFCCC secretariat Latin American and Caribbean Carbon Forum Mexico City - Mexico
EB74: Market and Policy Developments What is NAZCA? Global platform launched by the COP20 president in Lima Central repository for the mobilization and initiatives stemming from the Lima- Paris Action Agenda in the lead up to COP21 In the Paris decision, Parties encourages the registration of the scaled-up actions by non-Party stakeholders on NAZCA Global platform launched by the COP20 president in Lima with the solely aim to provide visibility to the commitments being taken by cities, regions, companies and investors Central repository for the mobilization and initiatives stemming from the Lima- Paris Action Agenda in the lead up to COP21 In the Paris decision, Parties encourages the registration of the scaled-up actions by non-Party stakeholders on NAZCA
EB74: Market and Policy Developments NAZCA CHARACTERISTICS Global platform for all types of non-Party stakeholders Use of 3rd party data providers Acts as a window into existing disclosure and reporting platforms Acts as a broad tent of ambition, complementing the podium of transformational, cooperative initiatives Global platform for all types of non-Party stakeholders Use of 3rd party data providers Acts as a window into existing disclosure and reporting platforms Acts as a broad tent of ambition, complementing the podium of transformational, cooperative initiatives
EB74: Market and Policy Developments KEY NAZCA FIGURES (1) More than 12,000 commitments: 5500 cities, regions, companies, investors and civil society organizations registered on NAZCA More than 2000 commitments from cities and 35 regions: 1.22 Gt CO2e in emission reductions Nearly a third of the top 300 global cities by GDP PPP are engaged, with a total GDP PPP ≈ $20 trillion. 15 of the world’s 20 largest banks ≈ $2 trillion in market value More than 12,549 commitments by more than 5500 cities, regions, companies, investors and civil society organizations registered on NAZCA More than 2000 commitments from nearly 2000 cities and 35 regions contribute 1.22 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent (Gt CO2e) in emission reductions Nearly a third of the top 300 global cities by GDP PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) are engaged on NAZCA, with a total GDP PPP close to $20 trillion. 15 of the world’s 20 largest banks totalling close to $2 trillion in market value are taking climate action
EB74: Market and Policy Developments More than a third of the 2,000 largest companies with aggregate revenues total $32.5 trillion are taking action = combined GDPs of the United States, China, and Japan 25 investors ($3.2 trillion) commit to decarbonisation of $600 billion in assets More than 300 companies, cities, regions & investors in Latin American and the Caribbean have committed to climate action EB74: Market and Policy Developments KEY NAZCA FIGURES (2) More than a third of the 2,000 largest companies with aggregate revenues total $32.5 trillion are taking action, an amount equivalent to the combined GDPs of the United States, China, and Japan 25 investors, representing $3.2 trillion, commit to decarbonization of $600 billion in assets More than 300 companies, cities, regions & investors in Latin American and the Caribbean have committed to climate action
EB74: Market and Policy Developments NAZCA EVOLUTION -VISION Sustainable & predictable NAZCA platform to reliably track the progress and impact of non-Party action Major milestones: 2018 (COP24): Facilitative dialogue (FD) on ambition – assess progress against aims of the Paris Agreement 5-year assessment cycles (Global Stocktakes) Develop a sustainable & predictable NAZCA ecosystem to reliably track the progress and impact of non-Party action Enable deeper insights and provide empirical evidence to help unlock further ambition and action by Parties and non-Parties Promote inclusiveness while enhancing credibility Major milestones: 2018 (COP24): Facilitative dialogue (FD) on ambition – assess progress against aims of the Paris Agreement. NAZCA definitively be an important provider of information to the Facilitative Dialogue 5-year assessment cycles (Global Stocktakes)
EB74: Market and Policy Developments NAZCA EVOLUTION – 2018-19 PLANS (1) NAZCA needs to be revised to make it fit-for-purpose for tracking impact: Analyse, aggregate and visualize the data by constituencies and sectors to look for tangible evidence of the acceleration of climate action; Enhance the tracking of progress and delivery of results Publish further info to track progress for actors and initiatives; Evolve from tracking commitments to enable the recognition and differentiation of an actor’s, initiative’s and/or sector’s ambition and performance NAZCA needs to be revised to make it fit-for-purpose for tracking impact: Analyse, aggregate and visualize the data by constituencies and sectors to look for tangible evidence of the acceleration of climate action; Enhance the tracking of progress and delivery of results Publish further info to track progress for actors and initiatives; Evolve from tracking commitments to enable the recognition and differentiation of an actor’s, initiative’s and/or sector’s ambition and performance
EB74: Market and Policy Developments NAZCA EVOLUTION – 2018-19 PLANS (2) 2. Scale up, broaden and diversify the types of commitments/action Diversify the types of commitments/action (adaptation/resilience and finance); Focus on developing countries and regions that are currently not represented (working with existing data partners and exploring new partnerships); Engage in pro-active communication and outreach activities 2. Scale up, broaden and diversify the types of commitments/action Diversify the types of commitments/action (adaptation/resilience and finance); Focus on developing countries and regions that are currently not represented (working with existing data partners and exploring new partnerships); Engage in pro-active communication and outreach activities In summary, we expect NAZCA to continue its evolution to deliver new functions (e.g. tracking of how commitments are progressing and lessons learned) as well as better granularity
EB74: Market and Policy Developments NAZCA EVOLUTION – 2018-19 PLANS (3) Provide a global overview of the state of climate action Leverage 3rd party research institutions/partners; Feed into the Yearbook for Climate Action published by the Champions Improve user experience related to navigation, searching, visualization and tracking facilities Provide a global overview of the state of climate action Leverage 3rd party research institutions/partners; Feed into the Yearbook for Climate Action published by the Champions Improve user experience related to navigation, searching, visualization and tracking facilities
EB74: Market and Policy Developments NAZCA EVOLUTION – 2018-19 Evolving from tracking mobilization to tracking progress, achievements and impact Scaling up participation, enhancing credibility in a light-touch way Evolving from tracking mobilization to tracking progress, achievements and impact Scaling up participation, enhancing credibility in a light-touch way
EB74: Market and Policy Developments Thank you! http://climateaction.unfccc.int climateaction@unfccc.int