The role of business register in the Republic of Kazakhstan International Roundtable on Business Survey Frame 16-21 October 2005
European background Business registers are used in 5 main ways: For the detection and construction of statistical units; As a tool for the preparation and coordination of surveys, and for grossing up survey results; As a source of information for statistical analysis of the business population and its demography; As a tool for the mobilisation of administrative data; As a dissemination tool.
EU recommendations in the BR of Kazakhstan Construction of statistical units Coordination of surveys Statistical analysis of demography of Ents Mobilisation of administrative data Dissemination data Lg U, Ent, LU, KAU, LKAU All surveys of Ents on the base of BR Demography indicators is used for analysis BR has links with administrative registers Governments - 100 inquires a month, other services are about 1,2 mln.T a year, monitoring of SME.
Our experience: BR is also a tool for implementation new system for collection of statistical data new information technologies new information systems outside of statistics
Collection of statistical data Before implementation of the BR: we used principles of a planned economy: all respondents return the questionnaires; the data from questionnaires could not be edited Big region level Collection and aggregation micro data Small region level Collection micro data Republican level Aggregation macro data
Collection of statistical data After implementation of the BR: composition of aggregated data had been transmitted from the regional to a republican level. All bases of micro data are on the republican level. Big region level Collection, addition and input micro data Small region level Collection, addition and input micro data Republican level Forming and procession base of micro data
BR is a key element in the architecture of the system Two main direction for improving system: Revision statistical survey: before 2000 only legal units were used; since 2000 – Ent and LU, in 2004 KAU and LKAU were made in BR. But activities on profiling are on the initial stage, and KAU are still not used in the surveys. Improving data collection processes. Unification and account all elements (steps) of the process. In this process we are going to use ISO principles of quality systems.
BR and new technologies The software for the first version of the BR was designed in FoxPro, the second version – in Access, the third one – in Oracle. The new technologies were distributed from the Register to other systems. Today regional offices have on-line access only to BR. In future on-line technology will be used in other statistics.
Architecture of BR
Forming cuts in BR
BR on line
BR in the administrative system outside statistics BR was created before any other register. Thus it significantly influences on the creation of administrative registers. BR is included in the system of registration of legal entities according to a principle of “one window”. Statistical office adds an identification code and kind of activity code into the electronic documents.
“one window” МJ АS TC МJ Register Register Register АS TC АS MJ TC Leg. Ent.
Results of using BR in the administrative system Two significant results: the data coverage is improved. None of legal entities can register outside BR. the system of statistical classifications is incorporated into other administrative registers. This creates a potential for effective use of the administrative sources in the future.