Red Station How do you find the volume of a cylinder? What is the volume of this cylinder How do you find the perimeter of an object? What is the perimeter of a room that is 9 ft by 2 ft? How do you find density? What is the density of a rock that has the mass of 2.5g and the volume of 5mL?
Blue Station What is physical science and what two categories make it up? How is mass and matter related? What do the prefixes kilo-,milli-, centi- mean? What are the boiling and freezing points of water on both temperature scales? What is a control? Why is it important? What do scientists change when they are doing an experiment?
Pink Station Two 8th grade students want to see what helps in doing better on a science test? One student studies their notes and flashcards everyday, while the other waits until the day before the test. What is the manipulated (independent) variable? What is the responding (dependent) variable? Write a hypothesis of what you think will happen? What is the control?
Yellow Station What are the steps of the scientific method? How many are there? What do each of the steps mean (what do you do)? What is a theory compared to a law and a hypothesis? What is a model? What are the three types with examples?
Brown Station Label and Describe the following Safety Symbols
Green Station 125L = ______mL .35 kg= ______g 34m=_______cm 212○F= _______ ○C 0 ○C=_______ ○F 125 ○C=______K
Purple Station Convert to Scientific Notation 877,600,000,000 = _______________ 3.298 X 104= _____________________ .006112 = _______________________ Determine the # of Significant Figures in the above numbers. 4. What is the difference between accuracy and precision. Give an example of each
Orange Station What is the formula for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius? What is the formula for converting Celsius to Kelvin? What is the formula converting Celsius to Fahrenheit? What is the difference between a mL and cm3 Define Density.