Ch.4: The Ministry and Message of Jesus Christ


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Presentation transcript:

Ch.4: The Ministry and Message of Jesus Christ

Jesus Announces the Kingdom of God Jesus’ ministry and message centered around the proclamation of the Kingdom of God—a Kingdom of peace, justice, truth, and goodness. As the Messiah, Jesus himself not only announced but also inaugurated the Kingdom of God.

Jesus’ taught the following essential points about the Kingdom: The Kingdom begins small in the present but flourishes in the future. Ex. parable of mustard seed (Mt 13:31-33) Although the Kingdom is open to everyone who accepts it, Jesus announces the Kingdom in a special way to the poor and lowly.

God’s mercy to sinners is a characteristic of the Kingdom of God. Ex. Jesus dining with Levi (Lk 5) and Zacchaeus (Lk 19) The Beatitudes instruct us how to live in and be a part of God’s Kingdom.

Jesus Teaches About the Kingdom of God in Parables Jesus taught using parables, short and memorable stories that relate common experiences to religious truths. Jesus’ use of parables demonstrate that he was an outstanding teacher and give an idea how he was able to defend himself against his opponents. Teachers might introduce this section with a brief discussion of what types of homilies students like best (most likely those that include stories).

Jesus’ parables taught important lessons about the Kingdom of God: Salvation is here the Kingdom is a pure gift of love the requirements of the Kingdom for the present and promises of the Kingdom for the future Lessons continued on next slide.

Jesus’ parables taught important lessons about the Kingdom of God: God loves even sinners the Kingdom requires an urgent response the Good News demands repentance following Jesus may bring suffering

Activity: Analyze the parable of the vineyard owner (Mt 20:1-16). What everyday experience does Jesus employ? What is the point Jesus is making about the Kingdom of God? For more advanced groups, teachers may divide the class into groups, assign a different parable to each group, and then discuss when they are all done. In this parable Jesus draws upon the common experience of daily wage earners being hired for a day’s labor in the vineyard. Jesus’ point is that it is not human beings’ place to question the justice of God. Though divine justice may not correspond to our own notions of justice, the truth is that God is generous with us beyond any of our deserving.

Jesus’ Miracles: Signs of the Kingdom of God These “wonders, words, and signs” of Jesus accomplish many things: testify to the coming of God’s Kingdom in the world attest that Jesus is the Son sent by God the Father

These “wonders, words, and signs” of Jesus accomplish many things: demonstrate Jesus’ dominion over Satan and the forces of evil invite people to faith demonstrate God’s love and compassion for us

Jesus’ Miracles: Physical Healings demonstrate Jesus’ power over sin, reveal the coming of God’s Kingdom, and reveal who Jesus is Ex. Jesus healed paralytics and blind men Teachers may choose to read aloud an example from Scripture of each kind of miracle (cf. p.98).

Jesus’ Miracles: Exorcisms performed by Jesus to establish his power over Satan

Jesus’ Miracles: Nature Miracles attest to Jesus’ power over nature Ex. calming the storm and multiplication of loaves and fishes

Jesus’ Miracles: demonstrate Jesus’ mastery over life and death Raisings from the Dead demonstrate Jesus’ mastery over life and death

Discussion: What do you think is the most important purpose of the miracles Jesus performed? The primary purpose of these miracles was not to abolish earthly suffering but to lead us to the Kingdom of God.

The Two Great Miracles of Jesus The Transfiguration Provided his apostles with a glimpse into the glory Jesus, the Son of God, would enjoy after his Resurrection Confirmed Peter’s faith but also revealed Jesus’ coming death

The Transfiguration is significant because: it indicated how Jesus reflects the light of God the appearance of Moses and Elijah recall how the Law and the Prophets had announced the coming of the Messiah it revealed all three persons of the Trinity (voice = Father, Jesus = Son, shining cloud = Holy Spirit)

The Institution of the Eucharist Jesus commanded his disciples to celebrate the Eucharist as a memorial of his Death and Resurrection

The Eucharist is significant because: it fulfills the Jewish Passover and anticipates the final Passover of the Church into the glory of the Kingdom it is the source of our nourishment for this world and beyond.