COUNTDOWN! To the A.P. Language Exam
Pre- Countdown Week The following week was moved from the middle of the Countdown week to the week prior to the $20 Test Registration Fee being due. This will give students a better idea as to whether they want to take the National Exam.
Monday: Rhetorical Analysis: Mary Oliver “Owls” taken from 2001 AP Exam (40 minute timed writing) Self Grading and compare Tuesday: Argument Prompt: Susan Sontag “On Photography” taken from 2001 AP Exam (40 minute timed writing) Self Grading and compare Wednesday: Synthesis Essay: taken from 2009 AP Exam Self Grading and compare Thursday: Practice and answer analysis of Multiple Choice passages from 1987 AP Language Exam; *Natural Historians Practice and answer analysis of Multiple Choice passages from 1987 AP Language Exam; *John Donne Friday: Student analysis of essays; SATIRE: “The Onion”: Rhetorical Analysis
AGENDA Book Talks Review Rhetorical and Argumentative (DRQ) Prompts Austin, Brandi, Hannah L, Conner, Dan C. Review Rhetorical and Argumentative (DRQ) Prompts Choice Reading
Don’t be….. PREDICTABLE!!!
AGENDA Book Talks Review Synthesis Essay Cliché Review Carson, Jacob Z., Laurie, Adam Review Synthesis Essay Cliché Review
AGENDA Book Talks Choice Reading/ Writing Kendel, Jack, Jacob, Hannah C., Cassidy, Kyle Choice Reading/ Writing Have a safe and enjoyable Spring Break! Read, read, read!!!!