Lesson 3: The Ascension of Jesus & Appointment of Matthias


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 3: The Ascension of Jesus & Appointment of Matthias

The Planned Outline for Each Study Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding Practical Points of Application for Our Lives

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study The Book of Acts is a sequel to the Gospel of Luke (1:1). “The former account” in 1:1 is the Gospel of Luke. About “all that Jesus began both to do and teach” (1:1). Concluded with the commission and ascension of Jesus (1:2). The “latter account,” then, is the Book of Acts; both were addressed to Theophilus. Before ascending, Jesus made several post-resurrection appearances to disciples (1:3). He was seen by them for 40 days after His resurrection (1:3). 10-day period between ascension & Pentecost (means “50th”). Between His resurrection & ascension, Jesus spoke about the kingdom/church (1:3).

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study Jesus ascended into heaven from Mt. of Olives (1:9-12). In a cloud, He was “received up in glory” (1:11; cf. 1 Tim. 3:16). The apostles “looked” (“watched” in v. 9), “looked intently/steadfastly” (v. 10), “looked earnestly” (“gazing” or “looking into the sky” in v. 11), and “looked contemplatively” (“saw Him” in v. 11). Two angels came and spoke to the apostles (1:9-11). 120 disciples assembled in “the upper room” in Jerusalem after His ascension (1:12-14). Jesus told them to stay in Jerusalem (Luke 24:49). The 120 included the 11 apostles. The 120 included Jesus’ mother and His brothers.

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study The apostles set out to replace Judas (1:15-20). Judas was chosen by Jesus (1:2), numbered & received a part in the ministry (1:17). The betrayal by a friend was prophesied (1:16; Ps. 41:9). A prophecy could/would not fail; otherwise, Jesus not Messiah. The prophecy, tho’ by mouth of David, came by inspiration (1:16). Judas sinned by own free will (cf. Matt. 27:4), not by compulsion. When Judas realized what he had done, he hanged himself (Matt. 27:5). His body eventually fell and “burst open” and “gushed out” (1:18). The “wages of iniquity” (silver) taken to buy a potter’s field (1:18). The field was called “the Field of Blood” (1:19; Mt. 27:6-10).

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study Matthias was chosen to take Judas’ place as an apostle (1:21-26). The next apostle had to meet divine qualifications (1:21-22). Two men were proposed: Joseph Barsabas (surnamed Justus) and Matthias (1:23). God’s will was sought (by the casting of lots) and God chose Matthias (1:24-26). When Acts 1 ends, the context is specifically dealing with the 12 apostles (1:26). The last verse of chapter 1 says, “He was numbered with the eleven apostles” (1:26). When chapter 2 begins with “they” (v. 1), the apostles are the antecedent of “they.”

Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding The resurrection of Jesus is absolutely certain. After Jesus died: “He presented Himself alive…by many infallible proofs” (1:3). The demonstrative “proofs” were indubitable and infallible. He was “seen” (over and over) during 40 days (cf. 1 Cor. 15:5-8). The “witnesses” of His resurrection included those who would easily identify Him: “The apostles whom He had chosen” (1:3) His mother His brothers The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of the gospel preached throughout Acts.

Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding The teaching about the kingdom was still first and foremost in the mind of Jesus (1:3). With only a limited amount of time (40 days) to impart final instructions, the kingdom and the commission were the emphases in Jesus’ final days on earth (1:2-3). The “kingdom” is the “church” (cf. Matt. 16:18-19), which was established in Acts 2. Jesus will come again, just as He promised (cf. John 14:3). He will return literally – “in like manner” as He was “taken up” (1:11, 2, 9, 22). He will return visibly – “watched…sight…looked…gazing…saw Him” – same at return. He will return from heaven with a cloud and every eye shall see Him (cf. Rev. 1:7).

Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding Mary presented as an ordinary woman (1:14) Not mentioned again in the New Testament after Acts 1:14 Not a “perpetual virgin” (cf. Mk. 6:3; Mt. 12:46-47). Luke, the historian, did not call her by any special names or give her any special honors. Being an apostle was a qualified position for a limited time (1:21-22). To be an apostle, these divine qualifications had to be met: Must have been among Jesus’ disciples from the beginning of His ministry to the end of His ministry (1:21-22). Must have been a witness of Jesus’ resurrection (1:22). There is no Scriptural way for any person today to be called an “Apostle”!

Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding The Bible teaches that it is possible for one to be saved and then fall away (1:15-25). Judas was chosen by Jesus, as much as He chose all the other apostles (1:2). He was numbered with the apostles and received a part in the ministry (1:17). To claim Judas was not “saved” would equally claim all apostles were not “saved.” Judas “turned aside” (NASB) by his own sin and “fell away” (ASV) (1:25). Judas made his own choice to sin, falling from that which he had “obtained.” By the choice that he made, Judas determined “his own place” (destiny) (1:25).

Practical Points of Application for Our Lives It is hard to teach what you do not first live! Jesus “began both to do and teach” “Do” it first, then “teach” it. Practice it, then preach it! Jesus is coming again! Be ready! Be looking! If Jesus’ brothers could repent and change, so can you! So can anyone! After being so hostile toward Him, Jesus’ death and resurrection changed them! The only way to truly get to someone’s heart is with the message of Jesus’ death, burial & resurrection. God knows your heart (1:24)! He looks inside (1 Sam. 16:7) & knows you deeply (Jn. 2:24-25). When you have a big decision to make, take it to God for His help (1:23-26)! Pray! Ask for His help and guidance! Then, trust Him!