Directness in Good News and Neutral Messages Teacher – Shahed Rahman Part 1
Introduction Most short business messages appropriately are written in a direct order Beginning with the most important point and going downward
The General Direct Plan Beginning with the Objective Start with the Objective Directness saves time for writer and reader Seeking information , start by asking for it Giving information start by giving it If the reader have no clue about you, give a small introduction Get the real message without delay If any explanation helps, give it
The General Direct Plan Covering the Remaining Part of the Objectives Complete the objective systematically - by listing or paragraphing Ending with Adapted Goodwill End with a goodwill comment Final good will words will receive the best reader reaction . “ Thank you in advance for your response” Your helping hand will be highly appreciated
ROUTINE ENQUIRIES Choosing from Two Types of Beginnings Beginning with the objective and your objective is to ask for information – this means beginning by asking question This opening question can be two types: A specific question that sets up the information wanted General request for information Will you please send me test results showing how Duo- Press withstands high temperatures and exposures to sunlight? Will you please answer the following question about Duo –press Fabric
ROUTINE ENQUIRIES Informing and Explaining Adequately Somewhere in the message, explain enough to enable the reader to answer If you do not explain enough or if you misjudge the reader’s knowledge , you make the readers task difficult Place the explanation anywhere it fits logically
ROUTINE ENQUIRIES Structuring the Questions If the inquiry involves just one question, begin with it If it involves more than one, make each stand out. Do this by Placing each question in a separate sentence Structuring the question in separate paragraphs Ordering or ranking the questions Using the question form of sentence Take caution in asking questions that produce yes or no answers
ROUTINE ENQUIRIES Ending with Goodwill End with a friendly comment that fits the one case The Old Style Indirect Message ( Check text Book) The Direct and Effective Message ( Check text Book)
ROUTINE ENQUIRIES Reviewing your order Begin directly with the objective Include necessary explanation If a number of question involved, ask them Make the question stand out ( using bullets, numbering) End with good will words adapted to the individual case
ROUTINE ENQUIRIES Respecting the Rights of People Respect human rights, both legal and moral Ask only for information related to the job Stress fact write for business use and when authorized, and treat confidentially Do not Answer a letter in the midst of great anger
GENERAL FAVORABLE RESPONSES Beginning with the Answers Begin by answering. If there is one question, answer it; if there are more than one, answer the most important Yes you can use Chem – Treat to prevent Mildew. Begin by saying that your are complying with the request The following information should tell you what you need to know about Chem- Treat
GENERAL FAVORABLE RESPONSES Identify the message being answered Logically arranging the Answers If one answer – give it directly and completely If more than one – arrange the answers so that each stands out Skillfully Handling Negatives Emphasize favorable responses; subordinate unfavorable responses Place favorable responses at beginnings and ends. Give them more space. Use word skillfully to emphasize them
GENERAL FAVORABLE RESPONSES Considering Extras The little extra things you do for the reader will build a good will. Closing Cordially If I can help you further in deciding whether Chem- Treat will meet your needs, please write me again.
Making the Report Fair and Accurate You must report fairly and accurately Prefer facts to opinions Proper emphasis may require subordination Subordination doesn’t mean altering truth