Oracle Sales Cloud Accounts and Contacts Version 2.0 EN – December 2015 Page No
Agenda Customer management Account process Contact process 1.1 Main definitions 1.2 Account overview 1.3 Contact overview Account process 2.1 How to create an account ? 2.2 How to edit an account ? 2.3 How to delete an account ? Contact process 2.1 How to create a contact ? 2.2 How to edit a contact ? 2.3 How to delete a contact ? © 2008 Capgemini. All rights reserved 2
Basic definitions in customer management Account An account is a company with which you have (or can have) a business relationship. An account is associated with Contacts, Activities (call, meeting, e-mail, task) and Opportunities No distinction between customer and prospect Contact A contact is a physical person who interact with your company. He/she has to be related with an account. Contacts are also associated to Activities and Opportunities. May have several contact points as e-mail, phone...
CRM – Visibility rules Accounts – Contacts - Activities OPPORTUNITIES SALES PERSON SALES MANAGER Depending on the business line you belong, the visibility of customers will be different Sales person could see all the opportunities of its territory. A business unit could be splitted into several territories if needed. If a sales person wants to share an opportunity with another business unit, then he add to register him into the opportunity team. Accounts and contacts are shared across Construction business lines. Sales team of these entities will see all the interactions linked to these accounts & contacts For Nuvia entities, sales team will see All the nuclear accounts & all the nuclear contacts All the interactions linked to these customers A sales manager could see all the opportunities of his team Page No
Account overview You can access to the accounts by clicking on the icon of the CRM home page.
Account overview After clicking on the “Accounts” icon in the home page, you reach this screen. The list of accounts displayed is driven by the ‘List’ dropbox. By default, you can see your own account in “My accounts” (these are the accounts you created yourself). You can also filter on another list already created.
Account overview The list can however be long and require scrolling. To refine the result, enter the name of the desired account and click on the reading glass on the right of the search slot. The system will return all the names beginning with the characters you have entered. Note also that the search is not case sensitive and not accent sensitive.
Account overview You can also create your own saved search, by expanding the drop-down list and select ‘Create or Edit Lists’. You can also directly click the advanced search button Create your own lists by entering the requested criteria and values in the fields. You can even add fields to extend the criteria and refine your search. Record set Record I own : Accounts you own. You are the account owner if you created the account or if ownership was assigned to you. I am on the team : Accounts where you are on the account team. You are on the account team if you are the account owner or were added as a member by another team member. My territory : Accounts in your sales territories. My subordinates own : Accounts owned by you and your subordinates. My subordinates are on the team : Accounts where you or your subordinates are on the account team. My territory hierarchy : Accounts in your sales territories and all of their subordinate territories in the sales territory hierarchy. All records I can see : Accounts that you can view based on your account team membership, sales territory assignments, your position in the organization, and security permissions.
Account overview Once you have selected one account, you land on the “Overview” screen. On the top right of the page, you can see different buttons. The “Actions” button allows you to see more details about the account. The “Delete Account” option is greyed out because you are not allowed to delete accounts (only administrator can do it !). The “Save” button allows you to save the entire information on the page. The “Save and Close” button saves the changes too, but also takes you back to the homepage menu. Finally, the “Cancel” button undoes all actions on the account page.
Account overview The left-side fields display some of the account characteristics (address, primary contact, contact phone…). If the user clicks on the address, then the CRM will display the map of the account localization. The right side displays entities related to the account. All the open opportunities linked to the account (the ones you are allowed to see according to the specific visibility rules). Be aware, if the selected account is registered as owner of the opportunity, the related opportunity will not be displayed in this overview. If the selected account is a potential account of the revenue line items, then the opportunity will be shown on tab « Related opportunities ». All open activities linked to the account are displayed. If you are part of the sales team or directly linked to the territory of this account, you can also see the activities related to the open opportunities.
Account overview Profile tab The second tab “Profile” displays all the information relating to the account. Name : Name of the account (= our customer) Type : Only one value « Customer », automatically filled by the CRM. URL : Web page address of the customer account Owner : Per default, the creator of the account. Attachments : User can attach documents on the account overview. Organization size : User can select the size of the customer company (large, medium, small). Line of business : Free field that can be used in order to give some details of the organization (business line in which our account works). Primary contact : Main business contact of the opportunity, not necessarily linked to the account Contact phone : If user had registered a phone for the primary contact, then the CRM displays this value on this field.
Account overview Profile tab Contact e-mail : If user had registered an e-mail for the primary contact, then the CRM displays this value on this field. Phone / Fax : Phone/Fax of our customer account. All phones : This field can be used to add more phones to our account (home, work, mobile, fax…) Parent account : This field can be used in order to indicate to which organization our account is linked. Industry of the customer : User can precise the industry of the customer account (what kind of business sector : construction, telecom, transport, health care…). Nature of the customer : This field allows users to indicate with a dropdown list the customer type (governmental administration, individual, competitor, partner, supplier…). Status : This field precises the status of the customer account. Several values are available from the dropdown list (active, no longer in business, duplicate, temporary business…)
Account overview Profile tab At least, one address has to be registered into the CRM for every new account. If user registers several address, one of them will be defined as « Primary » (the main one, which will be used per default).
Account overview Team tab The tab “Team” displays the owner of the customer record (= creator), and the members of the account team. You can add team members : only CRM users can be added on the account team. After clicking on “Add team members”, the following screen displays Enter at least a name and click on search One or several names display. Flag the checkbox for the relevant one. If it is the only team member to be added, click OK to return to the previous page. Otherwise click Apply, then enter the new name and click OK.
Account overview Team tab When the account team has many members, one person is defined as the primary member of the account team. A blue check box indicates who is this person. You can change the primary contact by clicking the flag on another record.
Account overview Contact tab In the tab “Contact”, you can find the account contacts. The contacts are visible by all. All users can enhance the customer record by adding their contacts. You can add contacts using the “Add contact” option.
Account overview Contact tab Once you have selected the “Add contact” option, the following screen will be displayed. Fill the name and click on search. One or several records will appear. Check the box on the left of the one you want to attach. You can add it to your Favorites by clicking on the star next to the box. This favorite contact will appear in the “My favorite contacts” list in the Contact screen. If it is the only Contact to be added, click OK to return to the previous page Otherwise, click Apply, enter the new name and click OK. You can also create a new contact from this page; it will automatically be linked to the account
Account overview Opportunities tab The tab “Opportunities” displays all the opportunities for an account. Be aware that opportunities with an account selected as “owner” or “potential account” will not appear on this screen. You can filter the opportunities by status through the dropdown box. You can also create an opportunity for this account by clicking the ‘Create opportunity’ button.
Account overview Notes tab “Notes” tab displays the notes captured against the account The user can create "private" or "public“ Notes . They are created from the web interface or from Outlook then synchronized to the CRM website You can create a note for your account using the “Create Note” button.
Account overview Notes tab Select the “type” of note you wish to create. The kind of memo will depend on the topic and can work as a filter. After picking the type, you can specify if you want to share this note or not with the other users. If you want to keep it private, flag the “Private” check box. Enter your text and don’t forget to save. After clicking ‘Save and Close’, your note is created and a confirmation message is displayed.
Account overview Activities tab The ‘Activities’ tab enables to manage all activities around the account such as appointments, tasks or calls. The primary purpose of activities is to provide a historical view of the communications/events that have taken place with the customer. They can take the form of phone calls, emails, meetings, web conferences and other channels. They store the content of exchanges, participants and are time stamped. They can be created and synchronized from Outlook. This tab allows users to create, view, update and delete activities
Account overview Activities tab Appointments are created from the web interface or from the Outlook calendar and synchronized. To create the appointment, you need to fill at least the mandatory fields which are identified by an asterisk. Subject Start date and End date. Note that you can specify recurrence like in Outlook. After filling out the required fields, you can register this new activity Click ‘Save and Close’ once your appointment is complete. Click ‘Save’ and ‘Continue’ to provide additional information like an attachment, a call report or even objectives (a dropdown list gives some examples : demo product, identify stakeholders…). You can also change the owner. Page No
Account overview Activities tab After selecting “Save and Continue”, you can give many additional information to the appointment. You can use the different buttons at the top right. ‘Actions’ in order to create a follow-up appointment or a follow-up task. You can also delete an appointment. ‘Save’ to stay on the current page or ‘Save and Close’ to return to the home page of the ‘Activities’ tab. ‘Cancel’ will bring you back to the previous step. You can see different icons on the left part of the screen. Those icon tabs related to the displayed Activity. The first one summarizes the information related to this appointment The second tab enables you to add contacts to the appointment. The process is the same as adding a contact to an account. In this third tab, you can add colleagues to the appointment. You can see the current participants and add other ones. Adding resources follows the same process as adding members to the account teams. In this tab, it is possible to add call reports. Finally, it is also possible to add notes to the appointment. The process is the same as to create notes for accounts.
Contact overview You can access to the contacts by clicking on the icon of the CRM home page.
Contact overview After clicking on the “Contacts” icon in the home page, you reach this screen. The list of your contacts is displayed in a business card mode, like in Outlook. You can switch from Business card to List view by clicking icons on the right end.
Contact overview The Contacts page includes four predefined saved searches that let you filter the contacts you view in the page My Contacts : Displays all contacts, of the type sales account, that you are an owner of. My Favorite Contacts : Displays all your favorite contacts. My Team and Territory Contacts : Displays all contacts, of the type sales account, where you are on the account team member or you are on the account territory resources. My Business Contacts : Displays all contacts belonging to all the accounts you own. You can't edit or delete the pre-configured saved lists or any custom lists added by your administrator. You can customize these saved searches to match your requirements, and then create a new saved search. Use the following steps to create a saved search From the drop down list, select “Create or Edit Lists” In the “Advanced Search” window, use the filters to customize your search, and click Search Click Save In the “Create Saved Search” window, enter a name for the saved search Click OK
Contact overview Once you have selected a contact, the following overview screen is displayed by the CRM. The Overview contact screen is organized in a way similar to the Account and Activity screens. Action buttons on the top right Detail tabs on the left side. account, phone number Specific fields related to the object : account, phone number Linked objects like accounts, opportunities or activities
Contact overview Profile tab The “Profile” tab lists all the contact details. Prefix : Gender of the contact (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Sir…) First name: Given name of the contact / Last name : Family name / Middle name : Second name Mobile phone/Work phone : Number phones to reach the contact E-mail : e-mail address of the contact Owner : Per default, the user who create the contact into the CRM Account : Name of the account where is working the contact Job title : Profession of the contact Influence level : Field indicating the action leverage of the contact with a drop down list (political structure, inner circle…) Affinity : Type of relationship with the contact (favorable, neutral, negative…)
Contact overview Profile tab Buying role : Participation of the contact into the purchase decision (key decision maker, supporting role,…) Attachments : User can attach documents on the contact overview. Favorite contact : A contact can be registered as « Favorite » (prefered contact) Contact source : How the contact was recovered (from a known account, from a known contact, from a sales campaign) Never e-mail : Do not send any e-mail to this contact Alternative e-mail : Register another e-mail for the contact Contact function : Job of the contact (complementary to the job title) Address type : Specify the kind of address (home, office, temporary assignment) Status : Active or inactive contact Department code : Company division where is working the contact Manager : Use this field to register the name of the contact’s manager.
Contact overview Team tab Similarly to Accounts, Contacts can be linked to users. The process to add a team member is the same as that for an account.
Contact overview Opportunities tab The “opportunities” tab lists all the opportunities this contact is involved in. The dropdown list allows user to display all of them or to filter on the open, closed, won or lost ones. He can also create new opportunities for this contact by clicking on “Create Opportunity”.
Contact overview Notes tab You can add notes regarding the contact card by clicking on ‘Create note’. The creation process is the same as an account. Be cautious with the information you enter and make sure it is compliant with local regulation and policies concerning personal data and ethics
Contact overview Activities tab The “Activities” tab enables managing contact activities. The activities created from this page will be linked to the contact. Remind : The activities linked to Accounts or Contacts are shared with all users.
How to create an account ? If the account doesn’t exist, you will need to create it. On the account home page, you can click on The fields, which are indicated by an asterisk, are mandatory. Be careful, every customer must follow the naming convention “ Full name + (acronym)” For instance : Department of transportation (DOT) ; Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC); … Once you have filled all the mandatory fields, save your new account. If you want to record more information, select ‘Save and Continue’. If it is the only information you want to enter for the moment, select 'Save and Close'. You will be able to complete it later. After clicking 'Save and Close', you return to the account list screen where your new account displays. If you want to stop the operation select ‘Cancel’ .
How to create an account ? The accuracy of the data is critical to deliver the CRM benefits. Creating duplicates badly impacts navigation and increases the search duration. After you have saved the required fields in the «Creation account» page, a Data Matching engine analyzes if a similar account or a contact already exists. The system checks : The Account name, Phone numbers and email addresses The complete address with street, postal code, city and country. If it identifies a similar account already exists, the ‘Possible Duplicates’ screen pops up. Click ‘Select’ to navigate to the existing account and work on it, or ‘Continue with Create’ if it is not the one you have in mind.
How to create an account ? When you create an account, it’s possible to link it with other companies (a parent or a child entity). 1/ Click on the reading glass, next to parent account to add a parent entity 2/ Click on « Create Account Hierarchy » to add a child entity.
How to create an account ? After you have selected « Parent entity », you can find it with the search screen and add it with OK. If you can’t find the parent entity in the search window, use the « Create account » button to link this new company to your current account. After recording your data, the parent entity is now displayed on the Account Overview
How to create an account ? Once you have selected « Create Account Hierarchy », you can add a child entity. The account appears. Click on Actions menu and select the « Add child » option. A search screen is displayed and allows you to select the child entity. If you can’t find the company with the search window, then you can register your child entity with the functionnality « Create account ».
How to create an account ? After recording your hierarchy (parent/child), the option “Manage account hierarchy” is displayed on the “Account overview”. If you click on it, a graphical representation of the relationships between the Customer and these entities is displayed.
How to edit an account ? In order to edit an account and change the registered information, you can select it from the Accounts homepage of the CRM. Then the « Account overview » is displayed and you are allowed to edit the customer datas in all the available tabs (contacts, team, opportunities, activities, relationships…)
How to delete an account ? Users are not allowed to delete Accounts. If needed, you can directly asked your CRM administrator. Duplicate datas CRM administrator
How to create a new contact ? Check that the contact doesn’t already exist before creating it. If the desired contact doesn’t exist, you need to create a new one. To proceed, click on Note that when you create contacts from the Account or the Opportunity screen, they will be automatically linked to the object. The fields, which are indicated by an asterisk, are mandatory.
How to create a new contact ? Here are the steps you have to follow in order to create an account Enter at least the names. You can also link it to an account, which is highly recommended - account name, and specify a job title, phone numbers or email address. Click on ‘Save and Continue’ Capture all other relevant elements and click ‘Save and Close’ As for account, the Data Matching will check for similar existing contacts once you have clicked ‘Save’. The system checks : The full name The complete address with street, postal code, city and country). Phone numbers and email addresses If there is a match, you can choose from the duplicate or continue creating the new contact. Once the contact is created, the CRM displayed a confirmation window If no contact has already been registered for this customer, the new one (which has just been created) will automatically become the primary Contact of this account.
How to edit a contact ? In order to edit a contact and change the registered information, you can select it by clicking on his name from the Contacts homepage of the CRM. Then the « Contact overview » is displayed and you are allowed to modify the datas in all the available tabs (notes, activities, opportunities…)
How to delete a contact ? Duplicate datas CRM administrator Users are not allowed to delete Contacts. If needed, you can directly asked your CRM administrator. Duplicate datas CRM administrator