Time for a TechCheck— Assessing the Accessibility of Your Workplace Technology September 24, 2015 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} Time for a TechCheck— Assessing the Accessibility of Your Workplace Technology September 24, 2015 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST {Footer: www.PEATworks.org} www.PEATworks.org
Logistics Audio is available via Adobe Connect and phone: Dial in number: 1-866-365-3921 Conference Code: 7247886139# Submit questions at any time during the presentation: Type directly into the Q&A window your screen Email info@PEATworks.org Tweet @PEATworks; follow along using #PEATworks Captioning is available at: http://goo.gl/ShKH0I {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} Logistics Audio is also available over a phone line: Dial in number: 1-866-365-3921 Conference Code: 7247886139# Submit questions at any time during the presentation: Type directly into the Q&A window on your screen Email info@PEATworks.org Tweet @PEATworks; follow along using #PEATworks Captioning is available at http://goo.gl/ShKH0I {Footer: www.PEATworks.org} www.PEATworks.org
PEAT Strategic Partner & Subject Matter Expert Your Host: Jim Tobias PEAT Strategic Partner & Subject Matter Expert {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} Jim Tobias PEAT Strategic Partner & Subject Matter Expert {Image: Photo of Jim Tobias} {Footer: www.PEATworks.org} www.PEATworks.org
Agenda Background on PEAT and TechCheck Building a mature accessibility program TechCheck walkthrough with Q&A {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} Agenda Background on PEAT and TechCheck Building a mature accessibility program TechCheck walkthrough with Q & A {Footer: www.PEATworks.org} www.PEATworks.org
What is PEAT? Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology Cooperative agreement funded by DoL’s Office of Disability Employment Policy A multi-faceted initiative to advance the employment of people with disabilities through the development, adoption, and promotion of accessible technology Solutions-oriented with a foundation in collaboration, dialogue, and action {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} What is PEAT? Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology Cooperative agreement funded by DOL’s Office of Disability Employment Policy A multi-faceted initiative to advance the employment people with disabilities through the development, adoption and promotion of accessible technology Solutions-oriented with a foundation in collaboration, dialogue and action www.peatworks.org
Organizational Development Why does PEAT focus on organizational development? We conducted research, including case studies and interviews with leaders in accessibility Technology is the easy part! (and others are doing it quite well); organizational challenges are difficult Lots of hand-waving, not enough details “Tools, not reports;” TechCheck is our first to be developed {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} Organizational Development Why does PEAT focus on organizational development? We conducted research, including case studies and interviews with leaders in accessibility Technology is the easy part! (and others are doing it quite well); organizational challenges are difficult Lots of hand-waving, not enough details “Tools, not reports;” TechCheck is our first to be developed www.PEATworks.org
Please tell your story in the chat window What’s the problem? A company fixes some accessibility problems on its intranet. Six months later the intranet is re-designed, with new accessibility problems. The CIO office implements a new, inaccessible job application platform the same week that an HR director attends a disability- themed job fair. A new employee has to wait six weeks to get a sign language videoconferencing tool she needs, due to a network security misunderstanding. No consistency, continuity, authority, or strategy Ad hoc = high cost, low impact {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} What’s the problem? A company fixes some accessibility problems on its intranet. Six months later the intranet is re-designed, with new accessibility problems. The CIO office implements a new, inaccessible job application platform the same week that an HR director attends a disability-themed job fair. A new employee has to wait six weeks to get a sign language videoconferencing tool she needs, due to a network security misunderstanding. No consistency, continuity, or strategy Ad hoc = high cost, low impact Text box: Please tell your story in the chat window {Footer: www.PEATworks.org} Please tell your story in the chat window www.peatworks.org
PEAT’s TechCheck Tool Aimed at helping you move beyond ad hoc Interactive, online tool created by PEAT to help employers assess technology accessibility practices Takes ~10 minutes to complete You receive a Readout, with links to PEAT resources Full confidentiality; no required fields; email only for Readout {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} PEAT’s TechCheck Tool Aimed at helping you move beyond ad hoc Interactive, online tool—simple but powerful—created by PEAT to help employers assess technology accessibility practices Takes ~10 minutes to complete You receive a Readout, with links to PEAT resources Full confidentiality; no required fields {Footer: www.PEATworks.org} www.PEATworks.org
TechCheck Walkthrough Please go to http://peatworks.org/techcheck {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} TechCheck Walkthrough {Footer: www.PEATworks.org} www.PEATworks.org
Wrap-up TechCheck is a good start to: Find your natural allies Seek clear support from executives/leaders Build small victories Connect with your peers and share Organizational accessibility is in a period of rapid growth across the board {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} Wrap-up TechCheck is a good start to: Find your natural allies Seek clear support from executives/leaders Build small victories Connect with your peers and share Organizational accessibility is in a period of rapid growth across the board {Footer: www.PEATworks.org} www.PEATworks.org
QUESTIONS? {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} Questions? {Footer: www.PEATworks.org} www.PEATworks.org
Thank You. info@PEATworks.org http://PEATworks.org/TechCheck {Graphic: PEAT Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology} Thank You. info@PEATworks.org http://PEATworks.org/TechCheck {Footer: www.PEATworks.org} www.PEATworks.org