How to Bridge the Scary Gap between The Results You Want and The Results You Have Assignment 2
Think Like Your Ideal Customer Session 1 Think Like Your Ideal Customer Session 2 Find & Use Your Hook Session 3 End “One and Done” Sales Session 4 Keys To An Engaging Website Session 5 Building an “Active” Referral System Workshop Agenda
The Basics 5 Sessions, 60 minutes each All Sessions recorded & placed at Weekly work assignments Submit work assignments by Sunday night to for our review Take notes Call from a Quiet Place where you can work Please use a headset, not your PC speakers
Session 1 Observations Your #1 Requirement: Insights into the Mind of Your Customer Dig deeper! Ideal Customer cannot be “anybody” or “everybody” You cannot be both an aspirin and vitamin in your marketing/sales
2 Identify Your Hook
Facts About Me and My Business My business name is: What I do is: I’ve been in this business for x years/months: I have/don’t have customers: In 2017 I grossed x amount of money in the business: I pay myself/don’t pay myself:
Authentic Marketing--Proprietary My Super Powers Tangible Intangible What We Are What We Do How We Do it Who We Do It For Why We Do It Type here Type here Type here Type here Type here Authentic Marketing--Proprietary
30 Second Elevated Ingredients For: (Target Customer) type here Who Are: (Their Obstacles) type here I Am: (state your category and difference) type here That: (key problem-solving capability) type here Delivering: (their Aspiration [the outcome]) type here
Supporting slides
Your “Super” Powers? Make You Different Doesn’t work Rarely Quality Value Creativity Customer Orientation Price Hard to do Breadth of product line (do a lot of stuff)
Where Can You Find Your “Super Powers?” Tangibles Ideas Products/Services Company/Organization Personality Symbols Being First Attribute Ownership Leadership Heritage Market Specialty Preference How your products or services are made Being the latest/hottest
BEWARE of Table Stakes
What’s Unique About You?
Where Do You Look? It’s what they buy! The OUTCOME of Working with You What THEY really want How they change Because you’re different You bring them to their aspiration! It’s what they buy!
Bake In Even More Uniqueness Commodities Products Services Experiences Create an experience when people work with you
What Is An “Experience?”
Super Power Brainstorm Worksheet Tangible Intangible What We Are What We Do How We Do it Who We Do It For Why We Do It You can differentiate in five ways
Super Powers—Dr. Koudelka What We Are Do How We Do it Who We Do It For Why We Do It Tangible Intangible Naturopaths Primary care physician The Listening Doctor Licensed physicians from accredited medical school Feel like the “me” you used to be Women And their families Take the time to listen to what’s going on with you Find and address the root cause, not the symptoms Proactive programs Medically trained and licensed Treat you naturally and with prescriptions when necessary Treating proactively health and beauty issues Specialist in women’s issues like menopause, weight loss, fatigue, food sensitivities Botox, etc.
Authentic Marketing--Proprietary Vetrazzo Super Powers Tangible Intangible What We Are What We Do How We Do it Who We Do It For Why We Do It Unique, visual solid surface using recycled glass Distinctive recycled glass-based surfaces that express your style in harmony with your values Best choice for self expression The bold and lively solid surface Bold and lively visual statement in solid surface materials Visual signature of gorgeous and good Lively, playful visual statement in solid surface The first distinctive solid surface using recycled glass Create stunning, bold, lively, playful mixes Unique materials Enable personal expression of style and values in solid surface building materials Combine gorgeous and good into a single style Create solid surface art work for homes and buildings Let your home/building tell story of who you are Put a story in every home/building Let you make a statement, your mark Maximize your purchasing dollar with style and substance Promote business practices that respect the Earth and its environment Speak to your senses heartitecture Mixing bold, lively, dynamic pieces of recycled glass Patents Building to and beyond the standards of granite Recognizing that art/beauty lives in Recognizing recycling affects local and global change People who want to make a statement in their homes, buildings and worlds People who want to leave their signatures on their homes, buildings and world People who want to express their unique values Gorgeous and good Make a statement about you It’s beautiful to do the right thing Sustainable WOW Nothing expresses your values like gorgeous and green A story in every surface Authentic Marketing--Proprietary
30 Second “Elevated” Ingredients
30 Second Elevated Ingredients For: (Target Customer) Who Are: (Their Obstacles) I Am: (state your category and difference) That: (key problem-solving capability) Delivering: (their Aspiration [the outcome])
30 Second Elevated Ingredients—Dr K. For: Women Who Are: tired of having no answers from their physician and only prescriptions to tackle menopause, weight loss and other women’s issues I Am: The Listening Doctor Who: actually listens to your concerns, finds the root cause and then treats you naturally and with prescriptions if necessary That: returns you to the “me” you used to be.
30 Second Elevated Ingredients--Vetrazzo For: For people who want to make a bold statement in their homes or offices Who Are: tired of the same thing and looking like everyone else Vetrazzo is: the first distinctive, bold, playful solid surface using recycled glass That: recycles glass from unusual sources to enliven your project and give you a totally unique room by making your counters, floors or tables a piece of art And: put a story in every surface