CURRENT WORK Reading ‘Radiative Processes in Supernova Remnants’ by S. Reynolds (a chapter in an upcoming handbook on supernova remnants) and ‘X-Ray Studies of Supernova Remnants’ by J. Vink (Astron Astrophys Rev, 2012) Exploring Chandra observations of the brightest supernova remnant N132D in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Using CXC tools – CIAO, CALDB, HEASOFT and ds9 to create reprocessed and re-calibrated images of three-double observations taken of this remnant in the 0.35-8.0 keV band. Major obvs: The remnant is seen to expand into a cavity created by the winds of its progenitor. Soft band emission is seen to dominate the hard band emission. CIE* does not exist in the remnant at present time. Learning to develop exposure corrected image using CIAO and CALDB for emission in different bands. Learning to define regions in sky coordinates in ds9 which can be used by ciao to extract a spectrum. Learning about image pileup and filtering of IR dust sp. * - Collisional Ionization Equilibirum Image Courtesy: Dr. P. Plucinsky (SAO)
Pixel Size Determination; Pileup Removal Following are some of the areas I am trying to get to understand better: Pixel Size Determination; Pileup Removal How do we decide on the pixel dimensions? How does it affect our analysis? HEASoft Using XSPEC tool in HEASoft to reprocess the OBS_IDs of N132D. 3. Cavity Structure Is the cavity symmetric in nature? Is it always closed? What kind of magnetic fields does one expect inside it and how do they depend on temperature? 4. Fe-K Emission Characterization Temperature estimation based on line ratios and emission line spectra of Fe-K. Can we quantify the difference accurately? There is a potential to study more such targets (vast amount of raw data)!