HIV Trends Among Youth Ages 15-24 in 23 Countries July 20, 2016 HIV Trends Among Youth Ages 15-24 in 23 Countries Catherine Barker
HIV among Adolescents and Young Adults in 23 Countries (2014) Population size PLHIV New infections 64% of new infections among people ages 15-24 are among females 2014 point estimates used in PLHIV and new infections calculations. Source: Country-specific AIM files
Females 15-24 Living with HIV (2014) 6 countries account for 71% of all females 15-24 living with HIV 3 countries account for 47% of all females 15-24 living with HIV 2014 point estimates shown. Source: Country-specific AIM files
HIV Prevalence: Females 15-24 (2014) Africa LAC Male > female 15-24 prevalence rate Ukraine 2014 HIV Prevalence (%) Vietnam 2014 point estimates shown. Source: Country-specific AIM files
New Infections (2014) 0.04% 2.62% HIV Infections among Females 15-24 HIV Incidence Rates among Females 15-24 0.04% 2.62% 2014 point estimates shown on right. Source: Country-specific AIM files
Baseline Numbers on ART vs. Projected Need, Ages 15-24 Universal coverage = 2.6 million on ART 2.1 million Additional 1.42 million 2020 point estimates shown. Numbers summed across 23 countries.
Conclusion Adolescents and young adults account for a disproportionate number of new infections in the 23 countries People 15-24 accounted for 19% of the total population, but represented 31% of new infections as of 2014 Females in this age group at highest risk: 63% of PLHIV ages 15-24 in 2014 were female Females accounted for 64% of new HIV infections among people 15-24 Only a few countries account for the majority of PLHIV, new infections, and need for PMTCT & ART among people 15-24 in our 23 country sample ART: The number of people 15-24 on ART in these 23 countries may need to quadruple from 2014 to 2020 to meet 90-90-90 treatment targets
Thank you! Co-contributors/researchers: Funders: Reviewers: November 20, 2018 Thank you! Co-contributors/researchers: Sara Bowsky Arin Dutta Andrew Zapfel Ashley Gibbs Funders: USAID PEPFAR Reviewers: John Stover Katie West-Slevin