LHCb Distributed Computing and the Grid V. Vagnoni (INFN Bologna) D. Galli, U. Marconi, V. Vagnoni INFN Bologna N. Brook Bristol K. Harrison Cambridge E. Van Herwijnen, J. Closier, P. Mato CERN A. Khan Edinburgh A. Tsaregorodtsev Marseille H. Bulten, S. Klous Nikhef F. Harris, I. McArthur, A. Soroko Oxford G. N. Patrick, G. Kuznetsov RAL 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Overview of presentation Current organisation of LHCb distributed computing The Bologna Beowulf cluster and its performance in distributed environment Current use of Globus and EDG middleware Planning for data challenge and the use of Grid Current LHCb Grid/applications R/D Conclusions 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
History of distributed MC production Distributed System has been running for 3+ years & processed many millions of events for LHCb design. Main production sites: CERN, Bologna, Liverpool, Lyon, NIKHEF & RAL Globus already used for job submission to RAL and Lyon System interfaced to GRID and demonstrated at EU-DG Review and NeSC/UK Opening. For 2002 Data Challenges, adding new institutes: Bristol, Cambridge, Oxford, ScotGrid In 2003, add Barcelona, Moscow, Germany, Switzerland & Poland. 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
LOGICAL FLOW Submit jobs remotely via Web Execute on farm Data quality Analysis Execute on farm Data quality check Update bookkeeping database Transfer data to mass store 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Monitoring and Control of MC jobs LHCb has adopted PVSS II as prototype control and monitoring system for MC production. PVSS is a commercial SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) product developed by ETM. Adopted as Control framework for LHC Joint Controls Project (JCOP). Available for Linux and Windows platforms. 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Example of LHCb computing facility: the Bologna Beowulf cluster Set up at INFN-CNAF ˜100 CPUs hosted in Dual Processor machines (ranging from 866 MHz to 1.2 GHz PIII), 512 MB RAM 2 Network Attached Storage systems 1 TB in RAID5, with 14 IDE disks + hot spare 1 TB in RAID5, with 7 SCSI disks + hot spare Linux disk-less processing nodes with OS centralized on a file server (root file-system mounted over NFS) Usage of private network IP addresses and Ethernet VLAN High level of network isolation Access to external services (afs, mccontrol, bookkeeping db, java servlets of various kinds, …) provided by means of NAT mechanism on a GW node 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Farm Configuration NAS Gateway Fast Ethernet Switch Power Distributor Red Hat 7.2 (kernel 2.4.18) DNS NAT (IP masquerading) Disk-less node CERN Red Hat 6.1 Kernel 2.2.18 PBS Master MC control server Farm Monitoring Gateway Fast Ethernet Switch Power Distributor Ethernet Link Power Control Control Node Processing Node 1 Processing Node n Red Hat 7.2 Various services: Home directories PXE remote boot, DHCP, NIS 1TB RAID 5 Uplink Mirrored disks (RAID 1) Public VLAN Private Disk-less nodes PBS Slave OS file-systems Master Server 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Rack (1U dual-processor MB) Fast ethernet switch Rack (1U dual-processor MB) NAS 1TB Ethernet controlled power distributor 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Farm performance Farm capable to simulate and reconstruct about (700 LHCb-events/day)*(100 CPUs)=70000 LHCb-events/day Data transfer over the WAN to the CASTOR tape library at CERN realised by using bbftp very good throughput (up to 70 Mbits/s over currently available 100 Mbits/s) 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Current Use of Grid Middleware in development system Authentication grid-proxy-init Job submission to DataGrid dg-job-submit Monitoring and control dg-job-status dg-job-cancel dg-job-get-output Data publication and replication globus-url-copy, GDMP 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Example 1: Job Submission dg-job-submit /home/evh/sicb/sicb/bbincl1600061.jdl -o /home/evh/logsub/ bbincl1600061.jdl: # Executable = "script_prod"; Arguments = "1600061,v235r4dst,v233r2"; StdOutput = "file1600061.output"; StdError = "file1600061.err"; InputSandbox = {"/home/evhtbed/scripts/x509up_u149","/home/evhtbed/sicb/mcsend","/home/evhtbed/sicb/fsize","/home/evhtbed/sicb/cdispose.class","/home/evhtbed/v235r4dst.tar.gz","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb/bbincl1600061.sh","/home/evhtbed/script_prod","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb1600061.dat","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb1600062.dat","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb1600063.dat","/home/evhtbed/v233r2.tar.gz"}; OutputSandbox = {"job1600061.txt","D1600063","file1600061.output","file1600061.err","job1600062.txt","job1600063.txt"}; 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Example 2: Data Publishing & Replication Compute Element Storage Element Local disk MSS Job Data globus-url-copy Data register-local-file CERN TESTBED publish Replica Catalogue NIKHEF - Amsterdam REST-OF-GRID replica-get Job Data Storage Element 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
LHCb Data Challenge 1 (July-September 2002) Physics Data Challenge (PDC) for detector, physics and trigger evaluations based on existing MC production system – small amount of Grid tech to start with Generate ~3*10**7 events (signal + specific background + generic b and c + min bias) Computing Data Challenge (CDC) for checking developing software will make more extensive use of Grid middleware Components will be incorporated into PDC once proven in CDC 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
GANGA: Gaudi ANd Grid Alliance Joint Atlas (C. Tull) and LHCb (P GANGA: Gaudi ANd Grid Alliance Joint Atlas (C. Tull) and LHCb (P. Mato) project, formally supported by GridPP/UK with 2 joint Atlas/LHCb research posts at Cambridge and Oxford Application facilitating end-user physicists and production managers the use of Grid services for running Gaudi/Athena jobs. a GUI based application that should help for the complete job life-time: - job preparation and configuration - resource booking - job submission - job monitoring and control GANGA GUI Collective & Resource Grid Services Histograms Monitoring Results JobOptions Algorithms GAUDI Program 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Required functionality Before Gaudi/Athena program starts Security (obtaining certificates and credentials) Job configuration (algorithm configuration, input data selection, ...) Resource booking and policy checking (CPU, storage, network) Installation of required software components Job preparation and submission While Gaudi/Athena program is running: Job monitoring (generic and specific) Job control (suspend, abort, ...) After program has finished: Data management (registration) 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002
Conclusions LHCb already has distributed MC production using GRID facilities for job submission We are embarking on large scale data challenges commencing July 2002, and we are developing our analysis model Grid middleware will be being progressively integrated into our production environment as it matures (starting with EDG, and looking forward to GLUE) R/D projects are in place for interfacing users (production + analysis) and Gaudi/Athena software framework to Grid services for putting production system into integrated Grid environment with monitoring and control All work being conducted in close participation with EDG and LCG projects Ongoing evaluations of EDG middleware with physics jobs Participate in LCG working groups e.g. Report on ‘Common use cases for a HEP Common Application layer’ http://cern.ch/fca/HEPCAL.doc 18 June 2002 V. Vagnoni BEAUTY 2002