ROMANS Let’s go to the roman times... Do you want to go back in time to see what the romans did? Let’s go to the roman times...
Hyper links Click here to go to roman solider slide. Click here to go to the coliseum Click here to go to about romans Click here to go to roman baths
About the romans Click on the arrow to learn something new! The Romans lived in Rome, a city in the centre of the country of Italy Italy. The Italian flag Romans came to English flag Britain nearly 2000 years ago and changed our country. Even today, evidence of the Romans being here, can be seen in the ruins of Roman buildings, forts, roads, and baths can be found all over Britain. The Romans invaded other countries too. The Roman Empire covered much of Europe, north Africa, and the Middle east. One day, some years before Jesus Christ was born, the Romans came to Britain Click on the arrow to learn something new! Click here if you want some more info
ROMAN BATHS Click on the arrow to learn something new They had baths for socializing and so they could have a bath. There were 3 different rooms Every town had its own bath complex (like a large swimming pool). There were 170 baths in Rome during the reign of Augustus and by 300 A.D that number had increased to over 900 baths. Click on the arrow to learn something new
Coliseum Click here to learn something new The romans built the coliseum so they could have entertainment. They made it out of sand stone. The amphitheatre was the centre of entertainment in Roman times. It was a place where Roman citizens went to watch fights between gladiators and wild animals, such as bears or lions. The bloodier the battle, the more the crowd roared. The fighters were slaves or criminals whose punishment was to risk a most gruesome death Click here to learn something new
Soldiers The Roman army was made up of groups of soldiers called legions. There were over 5,000 soldiers in a legion. Each legion had its own number, name, badge and fortress. There were about 30 legions around the Roman Empire, three of which were based in Britain at Caerleon, Chester and York. Romans had a shield, spear, helmet, sword, shoulder plates, sandles, tunics, daggers.
Quiz time True or false: Women could go in the roman army True False
Correct Women could not go into the Roman army Only men!
Ooops you got it wrong It was only men who could go into the Roman army Not women
Our trip to Chester We were taught a position called a Testudo. Click on the picture for a video:
Quick facts The amphitheatre was the centre of entertainment in Roman times. It was a place where Roman citizens went to watch fights between gladiators and wild animals, such as bears or lions. The bloodier the battle, the more the crowd roared. The fighters were slaves or criminals whose punishment was to risk a most gruesome death.
Goodbye by Crystal Sad because you are leaving!