Social Emotional Aspects of Learning S.E.A.L Social Emotional Aspects of Learning
Why is Perception an Important Skill?
Aim To understand that people can all feel the same range of emotions, but that people do not necessarily respond in the same way to similar situations, and that different people may express their feelings in many different ways. I can see the world from other people’s points of view, can feel the same emotion as they are feeling and take account of their intentions, preferences and beliefs.
Look around the image and the cogs appear to start turning Go through the following optical illusions
The horizontal lines are all parallel
Which orange dot is larger? …. Sure?
Stare at the dot and blink rapidly. The wheels should start to turn.
Do you see grey blobs at the corners…?
All these straight lines are parallel…
Look around ..!
The blue shapes are all perfect squares!
When you look at yourself what do you see When you look at yourself what do you see? Why is self perception important to our success? Pose the questions on the slides and encourage students to reflect.
Six (3) steps to a better self perception 1. Identify your own self fallacies- by performing a self analysis test (SWOT) 2. Seek outside input and listen to it 3. Challenge yourself and step outside your comfort zones Explain that there are 3 steps to a better self perception. Below is a self assessment test they will take to identify their strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. You will need to print a copy for the students.
Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats