Wednesday 5/17 – Friday 5/19: UNIT 4 WORK DAYS


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Presentation transcript:

Wednesday 5/17 – Friday 5/19: UNIT 4 WORK DAYS OPTION 1: Work on your Unit 4 project on these three days. Your project MUST be turned in on Friday by the end of class. Go home; have no homework; get ready for your finals. (Project is weighted three times) OPTION 2: On Wednesday, write an in-class timed essay. Replace your lowest grade from this unit with your essay grade. Work on your project on Thursday and Friday. Finish it at home over the weekend. Your project MUST be turned in on Monday at the beginning of class. (Essay will replace your lowest grade from the unit; project is weighted three times) *I am choosing Option _______. *I understand that my project is due on _________________________. Student Signature: ____________________Date: ____________ Fill this out and have it ready to turn in!

Option 1: Graphic Novel Create a graphic novel that either retells one of the stories we have read during this unit or creates a new, original dystopian story. Your graphic novel must be a minimum of 25 panels long and contain all the graphic novel elements, as were in Persepolis. Your story must have a full plot, and at least two characters. Your story should include at least 7/9 dystopian characteristics. Graphic novels must be neat, colorful, and include a cover/title page.

Option 2: Diary Create a diary of a citizen living in a dystopia. You may include events that mimic events from the stories we have read, and/or come up with original events. You must have a minimum of 10 diary entries, that are at least 400-500 words (approx. ½ page) each. Your diary entries must track the revelations, concerns, and emotions of a dystopian protagonist. Your completed diary should include at least 7/9 dystopian characteristics. Your diary must be neat, bound neatly together, and include a cover/title page.

Option 3: Children’s Book Create a children’s book that is an age-appropriate way to explain a dystopian world to a child. You have to provide accurate information, while telling a story and also making sure it’s something a child could understand. You must have a minimum of 15 pages; each page MUST include pictures and text in the same way that children’s books do. Your completed book should include at least 7/9 dystopian characteristics. Your book must be neat, colorful, bound neatly together, and include a cover/title page.

Option 4: Travel Magazine Create a travel magazine that advertises a dystopian society of your imagination. You may want to base elements of your society on different stories we have read, or create an all original world. Your magazine must be at least five pages long and focused on looking like an actual travel magazine. Different sections should provide all the information potential visitors would want to know. Your magazine should have at least three “articles,” smaller boxes of information, and images. But REMEMBER! You WANT people to come, so you will have to figure out how to make all these bad things still sound appealing. Your society should include at least 7/9 dystopian characteristics. Your magazine must be neat, colorful, bound neatly together, and include a cover/title page.