Family group conferences in Norway A way of working also in cases with violence? Svanhild Vik Family Group Conferences National coordinator FGC Ka då ittepå? 03.11.16.
The process of FGC 1 2 3 Preparation Contract meeting Working in the network Family Group meeting Plan into action Following up FGC 1 2 3 Caseworker Parents /Familly Child / children Parents /Familly Child / children Coordinator Extended family Other professional key persons Parents Children Network / New persons? Region vest, Førde, 14.09.16
When we use FGC in Norway Municipalities child welfare: 800 new FGC in 2017 All types of cases, Pilotproject in five municipalities in cases with violence / high conflicts cases Stately level: 600 FGC in 2017 Child welfare institutions, for instant MultifunC, fostercare, family mediation, Youth prison Outside child welfare: «FGC 0-100 years» (school, mental health, disabled children, addiction, NAV etc) Region vest, Førde, 14.09.16
Safeguarding and child protection Child Protection: Refers to the activity to protect specific children who are suffering or are likely to suffer sigificant harm Safeguarding: Protecting children from maltreatment Ensuring children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care Region vest, Førde, 14.09.16
Forms of maltreatments of a child Abuse: Children may be abuses in a family or in an institutional or community setting. By those who are known to them or strangers Neglect: failure to meet a child’s basic physical and / or psychological needs Physical Abuse: May involve hitting, shaking, throwing, burning or scolding or otherwise causing physical harm to a child Emotional Abuse: Is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent advers effect on the child’s emotional developement Pilotprosjekt Utprøving av familieråd i voldssaker Nordisk konferanse 6.11.2017 Lise Lundby
«Your Family Matters» Partner UK Factors that stop children reporting: May not be listened to May not be believed Fear of consequences Lack of control Not knowing who to tell Believe it is their own fault Adults might tell someone else Embarrassement Previous experience
Implementation in domestic violece «Establish and maintain FGCs in central position within child welfare work can be problematic. This might be due to social workers’ reluctance to relinquich power, but also to contextual factors like increased routiniazions of social work, increased demands for evidence-based practises and pressing needs to cut costs. The idea of empowerment, associated with possibilities for variation and creativity, might conflict with administrative needs». Ka då ittepå? 03.11.16.
Futher steps FGC Norway in cases with violence FGC norwegian evaluation of pilot project in domestic violence Shuttle- conferences – implementetion and developement Cooperation with police and other professional key persons Focus on fathers roles in childrens lives (child welfare) International research FGC: Pennell and Burford (2000), Morris (2007) ……………….. Pilotprosjekt Utprøving av familieråd i voldssaker Nordisk konferanse 6.11.2017 Lise Lundby
Building trust-is possible! The essence of relationships is trust. Can we build it, grow it and repair it? Trust is willing to be vulnerable and choosing to take risks. It is vulnerability and risk that drives trust Region vest, Førde, 14.09.16