REBECCA Relationships between ecological and chemical status of surface waters (2004-2006) Main objective: Provide relevant scientific support for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 19 partners from 14 countries
REBECCA WP-structure REBECCA WP1: Coordination and Management WP7 Dissemination WP3: Lakes WP4: Rivers WP5: Coastal waters WP2: Present knowledge and practices WP6: Validation of techniques, practical implications Common Implementation Strategy: ECOSTAT Competent Authorities and users in member states Project Advisory Board Stakeholders and NGOs
REBECCA partners Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Partic. no. Participant name Participant short name Country 1 Finnish Environment Institute SYKE Finland 2 Joint Research Centre JRC EC 3 Norwegian Institute for Water Research NIVA Norway 4 National Environmental Research Institute NERI Denmark 5 DHI Water & Environment DHI 6 WL | Delft Hydraulics WL|Delft Netherlands 7 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology NERC/CEH UK 8 Centre National du Machinisme Agricole, du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts Cemagref France 9 Water Research Institute IRSA Italy 10 Swedish Environmental Research Institute IVL Sweden 11 Trinity College Dublin TCD Ireland 12 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute SHMI Slovak Republic 13 Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e das Pescas IPIMAR Portugal 14 University of Antwerp UA Belgium 15 Danube Delta National Institute DDNI Romania 16 Norwegian Institute for Nature Research NINA 17 Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment RIZA The Netherlands 18 Tallinn Technical University TTU Estonia 19 Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet SLU
REBECCA programme
REBECCA and ECOSTAT mutual synergies Principle roles: REBECCA ECOSTAT Scientific advice on: reference conditions biol. metrics response curves validation GIGs decide: Boundary setting prot. Boundaries h/g + g/m
REBECCA and ECOSTAT mutual synergies Types and reference conditions: REBECCA will: focus on IC types for lakes, rivers and coastal waters analyse and propose type-specific ref.cond. for different quality elements (starting autumn 2004) GIGs can: use REBECCA proposals as input to their discussions on first step in Boundary Setting Protocol
REBECCA and ECOSTAT mutual synergies Metrics for biological quality elements: REBECCA will: Analyse and propose different metrics for different quality elements (spring 2005) GIGs can: Evaluate and discuss REBECCA proposals depending on their data availability and plans for new sampling in 2005
REBECCA and ECOSTAT mutual synergies Metrics for biological quality elements: REBECCA will focus on: Category Phyto-plankton Macro-phytes /benthic algae Benthic inverte- brates Fish Rivers ? + ++ (AQEM/ STAR) Lakes Coastal waters -
REBECCA and ECOSTAT mutual synergies Data collection and analysis REBECCA will: Collect data spanning the whole pressure gradient for eutrophication, acidification, hydromorphological pressures and toxic substances Analyse response curves for different pressures and quality elements (metrics) GIGs will: Collect and analyse data from IC sites (option 3), + other sites covering the whole pressure gradient for eutrophication and acidification (where relevant), if options 1or 2 are chosen Set boundaries h/g+g/m data results
REBECCA and ECOSTAT mutual synergies Benefits of collaboration for data collection and analysis: REBECCA will: have access to data outside the present consortium enabling REBECCA to produce results that will be much more comprehensive, scientifically reliable, and relevant to be used at the European level to support the fulfillment of the WFD IC process
REBECCA and ECOSTAT mutual synergies Communication should be ensured through: GIG-coordinators and REBECCA WP-leaders should exchange e-mail-addresses GIG-coordinators should contact REBECCA WP-leaders when planning data requests within the GIGs (to discuss data formats, level of aggregation etc.) GIG-coordinators attending relevant REBECCA workshops GIG-coordinators should attend the REBECCA end-user meeting in January 2005 REBECCA WP leaders and key partners should be invited to GIG meetings REBECCA coordinator (and possibly relevant WP leaders) will continue to attend ECOSTAT meetings, in which also the GIG coordinators attend
REBECCA and ECOSTAT mutual synergies REBECCA WP-leaders WP1 Coordination: Seppo Rekolainen, SYKE, Finland ( WP2 Literature review: Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, JRC, EU-commission ( WP3 Lakes: Anne Lyche Solheim, NIVA, Norway ( WP4 Rivers: Jens Möller Andersen, NERI, Denmark ( WP5 Coastal waters: Hanne Kaas, DHI, Denmark ( WP6 Validation: Harm Duel, WL Delft, Netherlands ( WP7 Dissemination: David Boorman, CEH, UK (