Star of the North Room Host Training
Types of Program Tickets Summary Ticket An attendee will have a summary of their registered classes at the bottom of their name badge. Only attendees registered for your specific course # are allowed to enter and be seated. Student PASS Each dental student is provided with one Student Pass. Accept a Student Pass in lieu of a regular ticket at any lecture on Thursday or Saturday. No Friday passes! Subject to availability – allow attendees with paid tickets to sit first & allow students to enter last. Student Passes are not valid for workshops or full-day lectures
Handling of Tickets Check the summary ticket listed at the bottom of the attendee badge. Check to make sure they have the correct course # listed (memorize the course # for the class you are hosting). Attendees will not have individual tickets this year – just the summary at the bottom of their badge. Committee members will rope off the back rows for last minute arrivals in sold out courses. These seats should be left empty until the room fills. Attendees may not switch a morning class for an afternoon class if it is repeated (or vice versa)
Ticket Handling cont. Tickets are not transferable. Only the attendee registered for the class will receive CE credit NO ONE is allowed to sit on the floor or in the aisles. Every attendee must sit in a seat and cannot stand in the back of sit on the floor. This is a Fire Marshall regulation. An attendee with a “scout” pass may be admitted at any time. Scouts will stand/sit in the room for approx. 15-20 minutes to observe the program Reserved seats in the back of the room will be designated for Scouts. Do not let attendees sit here.
Room Host Responsibilities Check badges/course #’s at the door Monitor rooms for capacity Assist attendees with finding seats Attend to equipment needs or malfunctions
Room Host: Before the Meeting Pre-register for the Star of the North Meeting Do NOT register for the programs you are hosting (You will be added to the course roster for any programs you host so you can earn CE credit) Complete & return your Host RSVP Form by March 26
Room Host: At the Meeting Pick up your host packet at the Information Booth in the Kellogg Lobby before the start of the presentation Arrive at the assigned program room at least 45 minutes prior to the start of the presentation Notify SSC member for any sound/lighting problems or attendee concerns Assist attendees with finding seats in rooms that are at full capacity – we will rope off back rows for late arrivals
VIP Lounge for Hosts/Speakers On the day you host, you are welcome to utilize the VIP Lounge for your meals: Continental breakfast is served in the VIP Lounge from 7 am to 9 am daily. The VIP Lounge is located on the 5th Floor of the RiverCentre in Room #523 Lunch is served at 317 on Rice Park from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm daily. Exit on street level (Washington St side) and walk across to the 317 entrance Beverages and light snacks are available all day in the VIP Lounge (5th floor) throughout the day until 4:00 pm Please stagger the times you leave the room with your speaker host so someone is in the room at all times.
Special Notes for All Hosts A Scientific Session Committee member is assigned to each hall & group of rooms. Contact the closest person for any assistance needed. Emergencies/First Aid: Please ask the nearest committee member to radio the EMT on duty. EMTs are located onsite and will have the quickest response time. In case of an emergency, please help with crowd control so the EMTs can locate the attendee in need. If you notice disruptive activity in a classroom (crying baby, cell phone usage, loud talking, etc.), please politely request that the attendee remove himself/herself from the classroom to minimize the disruption to other attendees. Visit the CE Verification Station (or go online) to enter the program completion code to receive CE credit for the seminar(s) you hosted.
Special Notes for All Hosts Evaluations will be recorded during the CE verification process - attendees will answer 4 quick questions. Cell phones should be silenced/turned off in program rooms. Please assist attendees with special needs. Chairs can be relocated to accommodate a wheelchair & hearing impaired attendees should be seated up front by the speaker. Please keep the door from banging as attendees enter/exit. The Star of the North is a “Green Meeting.” Links to handouts are emailed to attendees prior to the meeting or can be accessed thru the website or App Please dress professionally as you are representing the MDA and the meeting (preferably no jeans).
Thank you for extending Star of the North hospitality to our speakers and attendees – we couldn’t do it without you!