Welcome to Class 4 Teacher - Mrs Corrigan TA – Mrs Roberts.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Class 4 Teacher - Mrs Corrigan TA – Mrs Roberts

The class newsletter, topic web and timetable are available on the school website under Year 4. The topic web outlines what class 4 will be learning about in the Autumn term. The class blog will also be uploaded to the website every Friday evening and will contain details about what the children have been doing that week. There may also be links for further support or practice at home. Please check it regularly! Please follow our Twitter page @CrowmarshSchool for an insight into daily school life.

I am in class every morning as well as Monday and Friday afternoons. The other 3 afternoons are covered as follows – Tuesday - PE (Mrs Scott) and French (Mrs Dark) or Art (Mrs Steele) Wednesday – Science (Mrs Barton, if Mrs Barton is not available, I will be in class). Thursday – PSHCE (Mrs Hyde) and PE (Reading Rockets Basketball) Mrs Roberts will be with the class for all of these afternoons.

Reading Please listen to your child read as often as possible. Even confident readers should be heard read and should be given the opportunity to discuss what they have read. Children should also have opportunity to listen to adults reading aloud. Reading for pleasure if the single most influential factor for success and achievement in life.

At least once per week, Class 4 will have the opportunity to read and share books informally. This session is about developing an enjoyment of books. During these sessions, is not always necessary for children to be reading books that will challenge them. Many of the children enjoy sharing a picture book that they used to read. I am looking to build up a small selection of books within the classroom. There will shortly be some new books for the children to borrow but I would be very grateful for any donations of unwanted picture books.

Times Tables Please support your child to learn their times tables, all children have access to Times Table Rockstar. Further information about maths skills to rehearse at home will be made available shortly. Spelling The Year 1 and 2 common exception words and the Year 3 and 4 statutory words are on the school website, please encourage your child to be checking the lists and spelling these words correctly. Please support your child’s speaking skills at home, encourage conversations and explore new vocabulary.

English ‘The Promise’ by Nicola Davies ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Phillip Pullman Focus on key spellings, sentence structure and grammar. We will be starting simple grammar diagramming (which will be developed further in Years 5 and 6) this is used to support understanding of what is needed in a sentence and how sentences can be expanded.

Maths Place value – thorough understanding of numbers with up to 4 digits. Addition and subtraction of numbers with up to 4 digits. Mental maths fluency to include times tables Children will be challenged and supported as needed using a flexible approach.

Feedback The most effective feedback is instant and in the moment. You may see no traditional marking in the books this is because the children are having verbal feedback. There may be next step notes in the books to remind the children as to what they need to work to make progress from piece to piece.

Communication Please do not leave any concerns until parent’s evening, you are welcome to make an appointment to see me as needed. I am only available after school on Monday and Friday (and briefly on Wednesday). If you have any issues or questions, I am happy to be emailed on ktwo1968@crowmarsh-gifford.oxon.sch.uk and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please do not email me about urgent matters e.g. changes to who is collecting your child that day in case I don’t see it in time!

Open afternoons will be at the end of every term Open afternoons will be at the end of every term. If you can not make it, please let me know and we can arrange another time for you to see your child’s books. Parent evenings will take place during the week of 15th October. 15 minute appointments will be available throughout the week.