Ixworth Primary school Moving Forward…
A bit about me… Worked in primary education for 25 years Taught both my sons Taught from Reception to year 6 Began in a special school Deputy head teacher for five years
How I work… I know every child by name I have good relationships with all children in school I have good relationships with all parents I have an open door policy – if you have a concern come and talk to me I am passionate about learning & of improving the life chances of others through learning – children and adults.
My core values Relationship courage Hope
What is a primary school for? Learning caring growing
What does a really good primary school look like? Working hard and making good progress Knowing what they are doing well and how to get better Well presented work in books Tidy and organised school Great displays Well behaved and smartly dressed Great results Working with the community Communicating well
Ixworth is… Ixworth can be We are… A school that can be better A school that people talk about for the right reasons We are… The people who will change it
Ixworth Primary school needs you! Together we are strong Together we can change
Ixworth Primary School moving on…