By: Michael Castillo and Steven Morales Education in Africa By: Michael Castillo and Steven Morales
What is Education? Education is the process of receiving and giving systematic instruction Africa itself has countries that have one of the worlds worst education systems
Primary Education Primary schooling enrollment is the lowest in Africa About 30 million kids don't go to school in Africa and more than half are females
Education For Women Education for women was more challenging to get than men In places like Nigeria, young girls get married off under the age of 18 and don't have a chance to go to school
How does H.I.V/Aids affect Education? Aids kills about 5000 people a day in Africa most of them adults or parents. Parentless children have shown to be less likely to get an education H.I.V contributes to the crisis of education in Africa
Lack of Resources In a normal classroom in Africa the teacher to student ratio is 50 to 1 Many classrooms do not have the resources to meet the students needs such as books and other essentials.
Does where you live affect education? Unfortunately, your location does affect your education especially those who live in poorer areas. Those who live in the poorer areas don’t have many options because they might not live close to a school or have to help support the family.
Literacy rates in Africa In Sub-Saharan Africa literacy rates have actually been increasing over the years. In fact, Zimbabwe is one of the few countries in Africa to have a literacy rate of 90% Even though good changes have been made, Africa still has some of the lowest rates in the world.
Technology One positive thing in Africa's future of education is access to technology Technology is spreading into Africa and this could eventually solve its problem of lack of educational resources.
Africa's Future Africa's doesn’t necessarily have the best education, but they are better off now than they were before. The lack of options, resources, teachers and poverty hold them back. But they will eventually seek some improvement
Sources Education in Africa CTkNMCFQiqaQodJj4LWQ Primary