Doctoral training partnerships BRITISH COUNCIL SOUTH AFRICA Doctoral training partnerships
British Council We are the UK’s international cultural relations organisation, and have been around since 1934 Our main purpose is to create a friendly knowledge and understanding between the people of the UK and other countries One of our charitable purposes is to: ‘encourage cultural, scientific, technological and other educational cooperation between the United Kingdom and other countries’ We were involved in the genesis and development of the Newton Fund, helping to shape the programme since inception Just to remind the panel that S&T is one of BC’s charitable purpose We were a founding partner of the NF and helped shape the programme in its inception, keen to continue contributing our perspectives and share with others 1
(and sub-Saharan Africa) THE NEWTON FUND Jordan Egypt Turkey Kazakhstan Kenya Mexico China Colombia Philippines Vietnam Brazil Thailand Chile The Newton Fund’s aim is to develop science and innovation partnerships that promote the socio-economic development of collaborating countries (impact). Malaysia Peru Indonesia South Africa (and sub-Saharan Africa) India AIM: To develop strength in research and innovation to promote the economic development and social welfare of the partner countries
The Newton Fund has 15 UK Delivery Partners UK Research and Innovation
Bilateral Agreement with DST In-Country Partners Bilateral Agreement with DST
PHD MODEL 1: The sasac programme Southern African Systems Analysis Consortium (SASAC): University of the Western Cape University of the Witwatersrand (Wits)- led by the DST/NRF Chair in Systems Analysis University of Limpopo Stellenbosch University (African Doctoral Academy) Background and history- context began at Going Global 2016 regarding preventing brain drain and
Key features of the sasac phd programme Students registered at South African HEI’s SA supervisors nominate students Part of global network- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Ongoing training and capacity building- induction training, writing workshops, research planning, specialist input on systems analysis, peer support IIASA specialist input/ winter schools Scholarships for 30 students annually, 10 Newton funded SA- UK co-supervision (new institutional links) Mobility visits to the UK UK and SA part of IIASA global network Joint research and co-publishing
Phd model 2: The bilateral chairs initiative DST/ NRF South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) Research Excellence- Tier 1 NRF Rated Researchers Bilateral Chairs spend 50% of their time in the UK and 50% in South Africa Supervise PhD and Masters Students Enable mobility for the students between SA and the UK Access to research equipment and resources in the UK and SA (e.g. data for research) E.g NMU Bilateral Chair in Ocean and Marine Sciences- Newton/ GCRF funding
Phd model 3: trilateral chairs initiative 3 Leading and Established Researchers SA (Research Chair is lead PI) -UK- other African Country 3-5 year joint research project with linked PhD students and data sharing NRF funds SA Research Chair, Newton Fund supports the joint research collaboration with third African country PhD Scholarships, mobility and joint research Supporting the development of Centres of Research Excellence and collaboration between Research Councils Advancing strategic priority areas
Phd support mechanisms- incentives DHET- Next Generation of Academics Programme Newton/ DHET match-funding mobility opportunities for academics at an advanced stage of their PhD’s Extended to all academics under the UCDP DHET UCDP Grant University Staff Development Programme-Support for academics under the UCDP grant to access mobility opportunities DST/ NRF PhD Scholarships DST/NRF SARChI Chairs/ Centres of Excellence Other?
British council Partnership with Universities uk INTernational The UK Higher Education International Unit works to support the development and sustainability of the UK higher education sector's influence and competitiveness in a global environment and to represent the sector's distinctive strengths within Europe and internationally.
uSAf and UUKi UK-SA dialogues context UK models for Centres of Doctoral Training (consortia) are supported through government funding mechanisms/ research councils/ membership fees Supports collaboration between UK HEI’s and industry-academia partnerships. International Doctoral training partnerships focused primarily on mobility and summer school programmes, e.g the Rutherford Fund Key capacity building features of UK DTP’s includes taught modules, career planning, leadership skills, specialised/ technical training, communication skills, peer mentorship, research planning, masterclasses, e.t.c. For SA-UK partnerships- opportunities for mobility and exchange of faculty and students, summer schools, and access to training (as per Rutherford) South Africa at an early stage of supporting Centres of Doctoral Training (consortia models) e.g. the NRF/ Newton SASAC Model and the DHET US- SA University Staff Development Programme
There is a positive relationship between staff doctorate % and research productivity of an institution. With the exception of the University of the Western Cape, the other historically disadvantaged institutions are amongst the group with the lowest academic staff doctorate percentage and research output. All the universities of technology also feature in the lower half of the group, and questions have to be asked about South Africa’s ability to drive innovation through research if the potential of these institutions is not fully harnessed.
uSAf and UUKi UK-SA dialogues recommendations As in the USDP, the first step is SA domestic collaboration that builds in the international dimensions (mobility, co-supervision e.t.c) Supervisory capacity issue is a major obstacle and needs substantial support. The scale of the challenge means there needs to be a capacity building programme for existing faculty as well as opportunities for e.g. joint supervision Joint supervision requires UK-SA researchers to collaborate/ build Researcher Links and Institutional Links (ecosystem to support collaboration and partnerships) In the short term, UUKi will identify relevant summer schools, masterclasses or workshops at PhD level within the priority discipline areas where there might be an opportunity for South African partners to send their students to gain international experience
Future plans Launching the call for the Trilateral Research Chairs partnership University Staff Doctoral Programme- expanding on the US-SA network model Support for Centres of Doctoral Training Support for Graduate Entrepreneurship and Capacity for Innovation through the Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education Programme Opportunities with South Africa’s Internationalisation Policy to support split-site PhDs and joint Doctoral training
Q&A thank you