Employment & Training Needs Assessment Study The Pas & District Chamber of Commerce In Partnership with Manitoba Advanced Education & Training 11/20/2018
Project Goals Identify Current & Future Employment and Training Opportunities Identify Employment & Training Challenges Identify Challenges experienced by the Local Businesses in The Pas & Area 11/20/2018
Survey / Questionnaire Approximately 115 Local Businesses were contacted 80 Questionnaires were completed Surveys were conducted in an interview format creating dialogue answers for review and data summary 11/20/2018
Industry Overview Of The 80 Survey Participants Of the Businesses 41 Involved in Retail 57 Involved in Service 7 Involved in Manufacturing Of the Businesses 22 Provide Both Retail and Service 2 Provide Both Service and Manufacturing 1 Provides Both Retail and Manufacturing 11/20/2018
Employment 1372 Full-Time 396 Part-Time 87 Casual 82 Seasonal Regional Numbers Were Not Reported – 435 Full-Time, 259 Part-Time and 264 Casual employees Although the ratio is high, Full-Time over Part-Time positions, employers did not provide firm numbers when reporting current employment statistics. 11/20/2018
Future Hiring Trends There will continue to be hiring in all categories to fulfill replacement needs 18.75% Considering the Need for Additional Employees to Compliment Existing Business or to Accommodate Future Plan for Expansion Within One Year - 54 to 64 Projected Additional Employment Positions Within 3 Years - 78 to 87 Projected Additional Employment Positions 11/20/2018
Future Expansion 81.25% of Local Businesses participating in the Survey are NOT Currently Considering Future Plan for Expansion 11/20/2018
Minimum Education Requirement 64% Grade 12 Diploma In some cases Grade 12 Equivalent 14% Post Secondary Education and or Experience Most of the Employment Positions Requiring Less Than Grade 12 Education are Commonly Part-Time and often filled by Students 11/20/2018
Employment Skills Strong Work Ethic Good Interpersonal Skills Experience with Customer Service Computer and Technical Experience 11/20/2018
Employability Skills Desired 11/20/2018
Concerns with Employing Youth Concerns have been expressed with the youth and the lack of skills demonstrated Lack of Work Ethic Lack of Common Sense Lack of Basic Skills Numerate and Literate 11/20/2018
Hiring Trends 57% Hire Basic Skills 30% Hire Intermediate Skills 14% Hire Technical Skills 4% Hire Management Skills 11/20/2018
Recruiting 65% of survey Participants have used the services of Employment Agency 43% Dissatisfied with Service Many Employers Interviewed state they would prefer prospective applicants be pre-screened before referral to posted job. 11/20/2018
Recruiting Methods 11/20/2018
Recruiting 27% of Employers Interviewed would prefer to have interested applicants apply for positions on an on-going basis rather than waiting for job postings 11/20/2018
Recruiting Employers interviewed have stated It is difficult to find skilled and knowledgeable workers Respondents have expressed concern with prospective applicants’ Presentation for Employment Application and Interview Lack of Preparedness for Application Lack of Preparedness for Interview Process 11/20/2018
Training 97.5% On The Job Training 75% Training Seminars and Courses 28% Classroom Training 56% Other 29% Technical 27% Customer Service MTEC, MB Best 18% Safety Training 14% Multi-Media 7% Self Study 11/20/2018
Training Costs 79% of Employers Interviewed Incur the Costs for Training 11% of Employees Incur the Costs for Training Including Apprenticeship Programs which may or may not be reimbursed Training opportunities increase with the size of the company 11/20/2018
Training 76% of Employers Provide Job Descriptions to New Hires Either Formal Written or Informal Approach 73% of Employers Provide Job Descriptions to Existing Employees 18.5% Expressed Interest in Assistance with Developing Formal Job Descriptions 11/20/2018
Customer Service Training 90% of Employers Interviewed Expressed Interest in Sending Their Staff for Customer Service Training 11/20/2018
Employee Skills Training 87% of Employers Expressed an Interest in Taking Advantage of Skills Training Opportunities 11/20/2018
Employee Skills Training 11/20/2018
Business Training Opportunities Of the 67 Respondents 76% Expressed Interest in Training Opportunities 21% Stated “No Interest”, “ Not Applicable” 11/20/2018
Business Skills Training 29% Business Development Business Planning, Finance 21.5% Human Resources 4% Organizational Management 4% Computer Training, IT, Advanced Computer Knowledge Aboriginal Relations MTEC Programs GST / PST TAX Information Seminars 11/20/2018
Participation with Training Effectively Market the Programs Directly to the Businesses and Interested Participants Outlining the Features and Benefits Flexible Scheduling is Important Weekend and Evening Workshops In House Training Opportunities 11/20/2018
Business, Computer Training 11/20/2018
Trades 46% of Businesses will require the need to hire a skilled tradesperson within the next 3 years Including hiring for contracted work 21% Automotive Industry 18% Carpentry 11% Electrician 11% Plumbing 8% Machinist 5% Pipe-Fitter 5% Power Engineer, Millwright 3% Welding 11/20/2018
Trades Training Opportunities The Need For Skilled Trades Training in our Community include: 26% Plumbing 24% Electrical 16% Automotive 14% Welding 14% Carpentry 6% Machinist 6% Millwright 4% Water Treatment Gas Fitter, Pipe Fitter, Cabinet Making, Electrical Engineer, Electronic Engineer, Safety Training 11/20/2018
Apprenticeship Programs 29% Participation with Apprenticeship Programs 10% Expressed Interest in Future Participation 39% Not Applicable 11/20/2018
Wage Subsidy Programs 48% Participation with Wage Subsidy Programs 11% Stated “It was more trouble than it was worth” 24% Expressed Interest or Possible interest in Future Participation 11/20/2018
Employment Challenges 11/20/2018
86% of Employers Experiencing Difficulties with Employees Majority of Employers Interviewed express concern with Lack of Work Ethic Lack of Motivation Lack of Problem Solving Skills Difficulty with Youth Employees 11/20/2018
A Skills Gap Between the Employers’ Needs and the Skills of the Labourforce has been revealed. “It is becoming increasingly more difficult to recruit skilled employees and retaining good people once they have been trained.” 11/20/2018
Retention 85% of Survey Participants have a Retention Strategy in-place 81% Wage Increases 58% Benefits Plan 57% Bonus Plan 23% Other Incentive Programs Bursaries Profit Share Employee Equity Plan 11/20/2018
Recognition & Motivational Practices 78% of Respondents have Employee Motivational Practices In-Place Including: Staff Gatherings Recognition and Acknowledgement Rewards and Incentive Programs Bonuses Profit Sharing Annual Appreciation Team Spirit & Teambuilding Workshops 11/20/2018
Customer Service Of the 65 Respondents 94% Currently have Customer Service Retention Strategy In-Place 45% Good Customer Service 12% Giving Back to the Community Quality Business Service and Products Competitive Pricing Promotional Programs Loyalty Programs 11/20/2018
Manitoba Employment & Training Many of the Local Businesses Interviewed are not aware of the services provided at the Centre There is significant interest in further understanding what is offered for supportive Services to the local Businesses 11/20/2018
38% Would like to see Skills Enhancement Training 19% of Participants Expressed Concern with Pre-screening Prospective Applicants 38% Would like to see Skills Enhancement Training Pre-Employment Coaching Resume Preparation Preparing for Interviews Improved Common Sense Approach to Applying for Employment Positions 11/20/2018
Promoting Trades as Career Options Community Based Training Provide Skills Enhancement Training Opportunities, Essential Skills Provide Career Coaching and Planning Workshops Cooperative with the Schools Aboriginal Relations Workshops Provide Human Resources Workshops for the Local Businesses “How to Motivate Employees” Conflict Resolution Arbitration 11/20/2018
Employment Concern In General, Survey Participants have Expressed a Concern Regarding the Youth and the Lack of Work Ethic Demonstrated. Lack Discipline Expect to be Catered To Don’t Respect Authority Lack Numerate and Literate Skills Cannot Make Change Don’t Understand the Importance of providing Customers’ Service 11/20/2018
Chamber of Commerce 35% of Businesses have little or No Knowledge of what is offered through the Chamber of Commerce On a positive note, “The Best Chamber experience over many communities to date” has been stated 11/20/2018
“How do you feel the Chamber of Commerce could be of more Assistance?” 11/20/2018
Supportive Business Services Facilitate Training Opportunities Presentations & Motivational Speakers Business Planning and Entrepreneurial Programs Facilitate Youth Entrepreneurial Programs Networking and Information Resources Understand the Needs of Local Businesses Community Calendar – Events Administrator 11/20/2018
Human Resources Supportive Services & Programs 19% Facilitate Programs Human Resources Training Conflict Resolutions MTEC Training Opportunities / Hospitality 17% Motivational Seminars, Self Esteem Building Workshops, Time Management 13% Youth Programs Career Planning Entrepreneurial Training Opportunities Work Ethic / Skills Enhancement 11/20/2018
13% Customer Service Training 10% Business Development Strategic Planning Business Development Programs Provide Recruitment Service Recruiting Qualified Employees from Outside Local Area Resources for Human Resource Development Information Regarding GST / PST Tax Issue 11/20/2018
Economic Growth “Allow Growth” “Don’t Look Back, take action to develop a new outlook” “Experience with Local Attitudes is completely different from other communities” 11/20/2018
Survey Results reveal 30% believe the development of Industry would significantly add value to the business community – “Industry First then Retail will Follow” 32% believe there is a current need to encourage new businesses specifically – Specialty Shops and Clothing stores 11/20/2018
Stimulate Economic Growth 11/20/2018
Community Challenges Identified Limited Thinking regarding Future Development Lack of Vision for the Future Laissez-fair Attitude Need for Improved Customer Service Standards Lack Community Pride, Sense of Community Lack of Commitment to Local Businesses Supporting the Community 11/20/2018
Potential Opportunities & Strengths Working Together to Strengthen the Community Potential for Growth within Diversifying Industries Abundant Resources “Quality of Life’ – Healthy Living Regional Draw – Northern Clientele 11/20/2018
Critical to our Future Success Sustainable development must be supported by a strong vision and clear goals for our Community Strong Leadership Viable Strategies to Support Local Business Development Participation from all Sectors 11/20/2018
Training Should Provide a Strong Foundation for Enhancing and Proactively Approaching the Issues Surrounding this Very Dynamic and Complex Economic Environment 11/20/2018
A Vision for The Future There is Currently an Apparent Need, Now More Than Ever, for a Shift in the Paradigm; This is a Critical Moment, a Time for Awakening, a Time for Renewed commitment to the Future and the Economic Development of Our Community! 11/20/2018